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Jack Churchill

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Everything posted by Jack Churchill

  1. I just noticed my typo... omg I think it is! When it was build I asked them to but i’m not the best in the area!
  2. I can try to auto settings and go from there I’ve never really tried that!
  3. Thanks man!!
  4. I’m going to guess because i’m not home but there is plenty videos on how to run Arma off a SSD? Literally don’t know the first thing to even do haaaa. I have no pride so I don’t mind looking like an idiot
  5. I’m going i7 this time for sure and a 1070 or 80 should be nice. I’ll look into the SSD I’ve never done that before!
  6. Fx 8350 or the next step higher I think gtx 970 970 gaming mother for some reason I can’t think of everything lol I’ll keep searching on my phone for the build pic but that was years ago.
  7. I’m currently running a older GC and Processor. It’s going to be couple weeks as my stuff comes in. In the time being does anyone have any tips or videos on how to improve FPS. I get horrible frame drop... thanks in advance guys
  8. 100k
  9. How do I actually add a youtube video to my page when it loads yall can hear it? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SPBojo
    3. Jack Churchill

      Jack Churchill

      12 minutes ago, SPBojo said:


      Just donate for me XD

    4. Colt


      Unless ur El Man

  10. I cant stop laughing.... 



    1. monster


      fuck my headphones wernt plugged in and now my teachers yelling at me for playing "racist" music

    2. Jack Churchill

      Jack Churchill

      Damn dude im sorry XD

  11. Does anyone know a good website that sells it cheaper?
  12. Im stuck at work... Can someone post funny arma memes please. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jack Churchill
    3. GregoV1


      @snipeZ being a Sgt, best one yet

    4. snipeZ


      My favorite meme was grego's corp promotion as a test to see how fast he would be demoted.       :Kappa:

  13. Well sir let me be the first to thank you for your service!!
  14. The Neutrals
  15. Reallly don’t know why I thought about you when I seen this... weirdddddd


  16. I’m pretty excited to get that forum tag haha. Mines to blank and not coooolllll
  17. I made it into the APD ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeadPool
    3. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      Commence The Dick Sucking! 

    4. GregoV1


      Here is a tip go suck @snipeZ toes, btw he likes pizza or a key lime pie.

  18. Awesome man thanks for the help!
  19. Hey guys how long does it take for your name to change to blue when you are in the APD?
  20. Someone donate for me till I get paid haha

  21. Not gunna lieeeee if they all could have been enemy gangs... the fucking war points lol! Thats awesome man!
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