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Everything posted by Vicious_Guinea_Pig

  1. Im just going to say this, complain about this to the admins, since all the dispatch have are quad bikes and a 14K tax to have an ambulance taken out from their garage.
  2. I challenged Odin to a P07 1v1 3 months ago and he still won't fight me, making me feel so lonely Odin ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      get fucked guinea pig

    3. Vicious_Guinea_Pig


      shut it 3 rip, Odin is just scared.

    4. Odin


      I don't get scared, I get bored.

  3. There is one way to decide this problem, let me hold all of the money you both have and let there be a rook fight, winner takes all. "The loser will have to be in the same channel as 3 Rip while he is singing Baby by Justin Beiber for 3 hours." -Peter Long
  4. This is just a random thread to see what people think about where is the best place to live and why, Ima just say that West coast is the Best coast, 'nuff said. #WestIsBest #USA #CakeIsTrash #FiteMeCake Was this thread an excuse for me to challenge Cake? The world may never know.
  5. Yeah, I think it is one of those thing you just have to deal with, you could try staying out of highly populated areas, such as Kavala or fed robberies.
  6. Damn, I did not want this to happen, the one guy who taught me how to have fun on R&R is now leaving. I'll miss you man.
  7. Man, what is happening to all the Senior Members of Olympus these days, with Jendrack (I think) with his divorce, then to Pinkstreak, now Jorbis is leaving. These are really dark times for Olympus. I hope that we will soon see the light of day again and Jorbis, remember that the Olympus Community will welcome you back with open arms.
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