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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Corporal Moob

  1. Aids weather and my position during it was not worth it for me to record.. Minus blowing Gary AND D3V1L out of the sky ^.^
  2. Few Problems: 1. Getting to that stage, I could see from an outside perspective if you put all your money and resources into your first effort run be it legal or illegal and you A. Get fucked by Robbing Rebels, or B. Get fucked by APD. It could drive any noob away knowing they have NOTHING left and are basically at the mercy of Paychecks at that point. 2.''1 HEMMIT will net $440,000 when selling Processed Cocaine. Keep in mind this is the cheapest selling illegal item 1 HEMMIT of Glass will net you $188,000. There are 8 other legal types of items that will give you more cash as well.'' That's not a lot if you are saving for a house/Heli or if you need to split it with your other nooby gang members. ALSO, This maths only works if the price does not drop instantaneously. With the price dropping everytime you sell an inventory, if you are selling with 2 people to take into account that you have food/water/redgulls in your inventory means you only sell 80 means you are probably going to lose out on about 85/90k. That's on price drop alone, Then not even to mention the Cartel percentage. so at the end of this, you might be lucky if you come out with 300k.. Most people will only be confident enough to do this with a few helping friends, so now lets say split that 300k 3 ways.. 100k each for all the time and effort? Not a lot of profit for the risk. 3. Trunk space, Not worth a damn thing unless it's on the very high end Trucks/Helicopters, What is it for an offroad +8 or +12 storage I believe, that costs what like 15k to put into effect. Far more than a straight off the streets of Kavala thug can afford to fork out, and is only 4.4k or 6.6k depending on whether it's 8 or 12. Bans, Not an issue. Play by the rules and you're fine. that's why it goes 3/4, 7. 14, Perm. First is a warning, 2nd is ''Hey, we know what you're doing, Stop'' 3rd is your final wake-up call. I've played here a Long enough time, I was banned once about 7 months ago, never happened again. 4. Final Issue, directed to cops, STOP STACKING SERVER 1. It is currently 0:55am GMT, 2 hours ago, server 1 had 11 APD members for 25 civs. WHY? you're either going to be bored, or 2 ^ Like the point I brought up Fucking up the noobs who aren't able to escape APD's wrath. Server 2 at this point had 13 Players (0 cops). I decided to be be a factor in this equation, added myself and 6 cops to server 2 bringing it up to 19, within 45 minutes the server had 48 People on it. Nobody wants to play a server where there is no cops. Noobs have to rely on the APD to protect them from big bad bastards like myself. and if they're not there, then nothing is there to stop them getting robbed blind. *Note*, MC does not even Rob anymore in an attempt to help let people get money, and get this, Me, That's right, Corporal fucking Moob, the vicious murderer was helping noobs with runs, running them in my tempests/choppers and letting get a large cut from it. That's how you know something is extremely wrong.
  3. No liek on ur post 4 u then skrub.
  4. Noticed that before I seen that post actually haha, and Fak u bojo, I actually looked, and me and Warfare have like 80 Player ID difference.
  5. Erm, I agree with what you're saying, But denying ALL service to members in the future. erm.. Nevermind. I almost used vulgar language. Come on for fuck sake, I'm Northern Irish. P.S. messages have been deleted message me pliz.
  6. Why is it we're being brought up for this? We just want to have fun? We might do 1 fed a day IF EVEN that.. Most of our time is now spent in Kavala. Because the cops stack 1 server. Whether it be from a sergeant+ being in the room, or because they're incapable of putting any actual work in and going looking for something to do, Like me, and ALOT of the older Corporals/Patrol officers had to do, which was play during afternoon/Morning time for the UK. So. Look at it this way, 24/90 server (Generally server 2) With no cops on, at prime time. NOBODY wants to play on a server when there is no cops. We showed this the other day, it was 32/90. 0 cops. we put 6 cops on to 38/90.. little more than half an hour later, this increased to 72/90. Take the simple logic, and APD put some fucking effort in. Now, I take that much consideration into the fact that the server is declining, by decreasing our enjoyment, Even so much so by allowing other groups do drugs with us/Do drugs without us robbing them. I won't even go near anything less than a box truck now in fear that if I kill them they'll get pissy and never come back to the server. Believe it or not, I care A GREAT DEAL about this place and what goes on in it. Weren't the cartels added to increase Civ v Civ action? rather than pre-wipe Civ v Cop 24/7. Now, I'm so fucking worried about the population, we have to Civ v Cop because we know the cops will stay, wereas civs won't. Now all we do is hang around Kavala and fuck with cops with Rooks and Pdubs so they have a fair chance so nobody can complain that we did the BurBan, which was Rob everything, Fed/Jail/Fed/Jail/Terror/Fed/Jail, Repeat Etc. This is certainly not our fault what is going on, and I think we're taking the best steps we can to circumvent the flow out, which is minimizing our fun, whilst trying to let others get on with it, but then again.. Why are we here in the first place if not to have fun?
  7. Never see anyone give you problems from my end. Minus like once.
  8. I want this out there, I love this place. I've played here for a long time, and a lot of the members of my group have been with me in that time. over 1k hours on the server alone, more unrecorded (3.4k hours on ARMA).. And I've watched the slow deterioration of the player base. I have strong loyalties to somewhere I've devoted so much time/effort to. I only want it to continue. I would do anything to help, but I know myself, I do not fall under the category of ''Staff Material'' So, saying you're understaffed, yet even your most of loyal players are not allowed to help, bit strange.. And I'm going to Dive into the unknown here which is take a shot at the admins, which from what I've seen from every comment against the admins ever, will result in hell-fired fury. Only about half of the staff members actually give a shit about what goes on here, maybe I'll be spared if I don't name them, But half of them don't even play the server (Arma?) anymore. Why would you keep your position which is almost like a community rep when you don't give a fuck about it all? Get rid / Replace. Thanks for the service, but if you don't want to continue to help anymore, then thanks, but goodbye. My opinion on that. before I am lambasted for it. take a step back and look at the staff. I know those that do care, and those who do not.
  9. asylum is gey. kthxbye. Can't go anywhere else but here. Thanks everybody for making this the place that this is.. :')
  10. http://gyazo.com/24c39986b682d7d3bf13df66c119776c Exactly what's wrong with the servers right now.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Correct, But, with more cops comes more people. The reason we're on server 1 is because there are no cops on server 2. 38/90, add 6 cops to server 2, and you have another guranteed 15/20 people on it.

    3. MidgetMuncher


      It was annoying, like 3 cops and 3 crook all died at the same time because of server lag

    4. wrice4


      I agree with Moob. With few cops, no one wants to play.

  11. Recoil. So much recoil. It's eurvywhere.

  12. So, If you are standing, and an officer does not have probable cause to assume you are a criminal, Are you able to submit a ticket for it? what would be the requirements of said ticket?
  13. Make it a rule or don't. I follow it, but others won't. it'll just be confusing.
  14. You are extremely welcome to return at ANY point to our group sir. We wish you a swift return, We don't ask you to be active or anything. we just wanna continue to see you around!
  15. Travis, Change your name to ''Travis the Executed''
  16. How de ballix did I get on here??
  17. Not me, I'd liked feeling like I was a good player whilst there was little no competition in the servers.
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