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Ranger Rick

Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Ranger Rick

  1. 3 rounds tops. Mayweather wins. Hoping for McGregor to get the lucky shot tho.
  2. Buying DP22 Garage Server 2. Message me if you have one. Price will be worth it for you.

  3. interested
  4. please Msg if you are selling a house or garage in one of the above DP's. Thanks,
  5. happy 150th birthday. do you live at your computer or are you able to still move?

    1. tim2


      Live at computer:(

  6. its not working god damn it
  7. the damn edit wont work god damn ball i cant add more photos!!! nooooooooooooooo More to come when i can
  8. here comes some funny random shit. take a peak if your bored

  9. what is busty rusty doing these days?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ranger Rick

      Ranger Rick

      who that be? how you been these days rusty?

    3. Rusty


      Been good thanks.

    4. Ranger Rick

      Ranger Rick

      well, good talk to you to bro.

  10. your a fool good sir. a fool i say!!

  11. nice machine man. moths coming out of the pocket book now.
  12. house biding!!! this will create a huge asset for people to sell there houses for a profit if all houses are sold in the area. which most are
  13. 2 in 24, offer. 2 crater
  14. does the dog help the PC run faster?
  15. must be a bug then in your case. i was able to place 3 crates and fully upgrade a 4 crater
  16. birthdays, they make you feel older....

    1. DeathDingo


      Happy Birthday Rick!! Hope its a great one!!

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Happy birthday man.  How do you think I feel?  When some of the people I play with are 10 years younger than me.  I feel like a grandpa already! :(

  17. depending on how much, you can get a TS channel with several sub channels (look it up for specifics) alonf with a donator tag in the Olympus TS. in game items for donating is no longer available due to Bohemia wanting to make the game "fair" for all. Donating helps the community, and you get to be a badass in Olympus TS with your own channel depending on how much you donate.
  18. government work.... "lets see how long we can take, and how much money we can spend" lol. nice to meet you Opus. (drop the NW its better that way ;))
  19. any update on Explosions in Kavala? has this begun yet?
  20. keep most of the new areas where they are but move some back to old spots. like weed. its way to far out to be the beginner money maker.
  21. yes Gammy
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