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Everything posted by Tman15tmb

  1. Reported
  2. At least you aren't known as that stupid Shawn guy anymore
  3. Reverse psychology don't blame me hahaha
  4. Double Agents are good to have
  5. Gross I'm siding with the Turks. hahaha
  6. I'd like to report a cult recently formed in the Olympus community. 🚩😂

  7. Dear Santa Claus, 

    please ban a member from Aegis. Thank you!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      @ Tman15tmb  there’s already some banned. Don’t be greedy 

    3. Tman15tmb


      @ -dante-  Was this my late birthday gift? 🤔

    4. ben-


      DANTE IS A *** 

  8. Tbf with all the tasers you collected the APD would be a dead faction if those were handed out haha
  9. @ -dante- sucks. I was worried the hate train would stop rolling. Doing my part to make sure the slander continues lol
  10. Someone tell this guy to quit hot mic'ing in group chat hahaha
  11. @ Milo  whoever is responsible for lighting did an amazing job. Now I demand they fix the original emergency vehicle lights so they are as flush as the current ones.

  12. Yeah, I was quite the opposite compared to most admins when I was staff. I'm sure a thorn in @ Grandma Gary side. XD I'm pretty blunt, not afraid to call people out. Made sure my voice was heard and I'm stubborn. A pretty good combo lol
  13. I think it's more about optics than anything. Had the report been accepted and the admin or whoever dealt with it gave a warning, acknowledged the report or whatever than it wouldn't look as bad as denying the report for insufficient evidence although the evidence may have been credible.
  14. Yeah, I agree. I'm not a fan of double standards. If a regular community member were to be banned do to this situation then that same action should apply to everyone. When it comes to reports rank or title should not matter and rules should be enforced regardless of position.
  15. Happy Thanksgiving everyone 🦃🍂

  16. Damn @ -dante- you are really popular today lol

    1. -dante-


      All in a good Day’s work ;D

  17. Why do I invest so much into watching football.. It's bad for my mental health lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      I refuse to gamble. My luck is shit enough without putting money on the line haha.

    3. Bobby El Churro
    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      Try being a Bengals fan

  18. My new profile music is a vibe haha

    1. Angela
    2. Tman15tmb


      Reminds me of a girl named Molly. We had some crazy times together lol

  19. @ Angela  sent me a picture of a spider hole she found. I probably won't be sleeping tonight. You Aussies are insane.. 😐

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. L1on


      Shits scary itll kill you in 90 seconds

    3. Angela


      Its what I showed him, funnel web holes I found out on a walk lol

    4. L1on


      I couldnt imagine casually finding that, especially while out on a walk. I dont fuck with spiders

  20. I'm still butt hurt the Broncos lost to the Chiefs. That's going to sting for a bit.

    1. SheriffJohnBeard


      that field goal block was insane! apparently, they targeted a specific d-lineman that was sloppy throughout the game during extra point attempts and earlier field goals. 

    2. Tman15tmb


      Yeah he wasn't set properly before the snap and the Chiefs took advantage knocked him over and blew through the line to get the block.

      We had it in the bag.. but no.

  21. Democracy would be non existent with Harris winning. She already threatened to suppress free speech like taking down twitter and arrest people for dangerous rhetoric. I'm not a Trump worshipper by any means but a lot of people forgot how good life was before Biden taking office. Gas was affordable, food was affordable. People weren't being suppressed for having a difference of opinion. There weren't a bunch of stupid global conflicts popping off. The economy was in a better spot. Illegals weren't invading the country by the thousands each day. I'm curious how many of you were actually of voting age when Trump was last in office.
  22. Gettin old sucks.. Now I have to watch my health and shit. I wish I was 25 again lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lea


      You'll be fine, just do the things to remain healthy. 

    3. -dante-


      That’s the 30 years of being a stoner 😉

    4. Tman15tmb


      More like 10 years.. but being a stoner for a decade isn't great either lol

  23. Who broke the emergency lights on the vehicles? Now they float haha

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. buckie


      2017 called it wants its bug back 

    3. LIM Guy
    4. Tman15tmb


      2017.. Makes me feel like I never left lol

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