Yeah, seems to be everyone's problem with me. Sorry, I write how I write, It's one big run on sentence. Guess what, this isn't English class, and last time I checked I am not writing a fucking essay.
I mean, am I lying? Nothing happened to you for abusing your Corp power when i made a comment about your friend right? Because you don't use your power to defend your friend when a simple, "Hey Homicide, shes not here to defend herself, mind not making those comments around me?" I would've said "Yea, I respect it." You did the opposite. Am I right or wrong? Its cool though. It was a few months back, so its on the back burner. @LiL J here some more run on sentences. Seeing from the last one u understood me, because you responded. If not there's plenty of people on Olympus that are fluent in the language of Homicide.
I did my best, but Jesus Christ. I did less editing in English class.