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Senior Texture Designer
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Everything posted by jig

  1. 4 mil
  2. Well my offers is 2 mil
  3. 2 mil
  4. hacker literally just bypassed anti cheat update and now i have 2 bil again well rip
  5. sure idc
  6. Lol I actually thought they existed on Olympus I’m dumb
  7. How much?
  8. Vigis shouldnt be allowed to camp rebel or even enter the zone because it is meant for gangs to buy gear and not worry about vigis. Fuck Vigis
  9. jig

    Wts war points

    I got a little over 200 wps
  10. I’ll buy it for 10 mil
  11. I’m guessing 10 mil but not sure
  12. 2.5 mil mar 10 and 7 mags
  13. anyone know I’m guessing like 400k
  14. 2 mil for mar 10
  15. How much for mar 10
  16. I got 97 wp
  17. I have a 2 crater in abdera on s3 it can still hold 250 of each ingredient
  18. 5 mil for armed huron
  19. I’ll buy the type115 for 350k
  20. 550k for spar 16s taser
  21. Or even like shrooms at kav drug which would also be retarded
  22. jig

    Selling rare shit

    125k for one uniform I’ll do 350k for all 4 sAPD uniforms if u just want to get rid of them
  23. Idk just thought of this I’m retarded so
  24. jig

    Selling rare shit

    How much for sAPD uniforms
  25. jig


    How much?
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