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About Drewbelieve

  • Birthday 03/24/1993

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  1. Wasn't filing a comp ticket, just wanted to know if any of yall were havin the same issue
  2. Look the problem with women, and you will find this out with a little more time buddy is they think emotionaly not rationaly. Play her emotions on the subject, which might sound weird but I guarantee it will work. Literally tell how you feel and and make it sound sad. If she really cares about you she will understand and will stop doing whatever it is that bothers you. Weither it be hangin with another guy or whatever. Obviously if she cares about you more than whoever this other dude is, she will stop hangin with him. Hope it helps bud. P>S. My advice, stay single.
  3. Alright guys, So twice this has happened to me.... I will just be driving along the a road then all the sudden My vehicle will blow up. Have put countless hours into this server and game, never had this issue before. Yesterday was just driving an ifrit behind a hemmit and it just randomly blew up. Now today I was driving a hemmit with a offroad behind me on a regular main road and all the sudden the offroad blew up hehind me and took out the hemmit with it. There was over 4 million worth of items in that hemmit. Over the past two days I have lost over 5 million worth of vehicles, gear, and lost "items". And mind you there were no collisions with anything in any of these vehicles just a sudden BOOM. It's starting to get ridiculous...
  4. Alright guys, since the update (about 8 hours) I have already been killed multiple times by multiple guys shooting from heli's. It seems that this is going to be a normal occurance now and forever..... WE NEED THE TITAN AA ROCKETS BACK Now that we have insurance and what not, blowing up a vehicle is not as severe as it once was. I think we need the Titan back ASAP and we need it at a much LOWER price. Thoughts?
  5. I realize that you have to buy it again once it has been destroyed. Will that always be the same after it gets chopped we will not get them back?
  6. Alright boys, For some reason I seem to still be loosing my vehicles even with full coverage insurance. I have lost 2 box trucks, a temptest device, and 2 orca's all with full coverage insurance. When you pay over 200k for insurance on a vehicle you defiently expect to see it back in your garage if god for bid something were to happen. Anyone else having this problem? Also a side note: I play on server 1. And my vehicles only seem to disappear when "Virus" has something to do with it. But I defiently would like to figure out why even with full coverage insurance I am not getting my vehicles back.
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