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Everything posted by Wades

  1. I dont know you but you sound chill so have fun with twitch.
  2. Lights off inside a red zone parked no other vehicals near
  3. Wades

    S1 kav house

    1 mill
  4. It was fusion he was like wanna go on government radio and talk about it I said naw cause I don’t have team speak I have no video evidence I was just double checking so next time it happens he gets deported
  5. They were sitting inside once I confronted him about it he got salty and broke rp and we exchanged nasty launguage once he arrested me for attempted manslaughter and rebel gun he disconnected
  6. Naw they in the red zone
  7. It’s patrol officers beings fags it’s happened like 5 times now I’ll be on my way to a red zone (not even process like fields) and once I stop a cop puts his lights on and pulls out of a corner and arrests me rip new cmr
  8. 1 mill for prowler
  9. Wades

    Cop Tasers

    85k for sting 100k for .45
  10. @Xlax server is good for practicing cartels if that’s the one your talking about
  11. Shittt don’t ask us to post our setups if your gonna start with the best one we can’t compete
  12. Id offer but only got 1.6 mill
  13. What’s your. Roblox name
  14. as if fucking auto tasers are not already good enough, imagine your only way of fleeing cops is a helicopter you got 1 mill worth of meth and then game over your ass is shot out of the sky by like a patrol officer
  15. what
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