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Everything posted by Robinhood

  2. youre really something
  3. pretty much the same way ppl feel about you
  4. dont even try to reason with him. lion v2 right here
  5. am i the only one thats player stats doesnt work?


    1. Burrows


      Vigi mains dont get stats.



  6. vigi'ing you wont even be fun now...
  7. OKAY VIGIS LETS GET THIS WONDER BREAD. Robinhood and Poolboy are here to lead you into victory!!!

  8. @Ryan as grand master vigi i will happily exterminate all that oppose us. We are the curators of a new generation. we have the power and numbers to hold strong. VIGIS ARE YOU WITH ME?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!
  9. seems like there are some salty sailors reacting to my vigitage. I apologize to some but others man.... must suck getting put in a vigitage

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Arigato


      Odd flex but ok

    3. Robinhood


      23 minutes ago, Linka said:

      The tage was hilarious especially since I got my own part but you’re just baiting kids now lol

      i mean they keep comin and cant take a joke lol

      21 minutes ago, Arigato said:

      Odd flex but ok


  11. salty? no. attempting to help and wanting to start some shit? yes. I took the frit and then flipped two other frits. brought a third frit into hq and you guys didnt close the gate and let them go. most of the APD doesnt have a brain so what else can we do.... snag the vigi license idc, i can get tier 3 back in a day. personally i could give two shits about what the APD does. That day i wasnt following you guys i wanted frits and bounties. messaging you guys is just a way so i dont get tased and if im asked to leave i leave. Like you guys told me to leave when you had those ROSE guys.... which i did... in a frit
  12. in our defense we tried getting prewritten messages changed. they didnt change it so we will continue to take advantage of it.
  13. I want clarity.
  14. how dense are you that you cant tell the difference between being sarcastic and complaining
  15. Look... i know ive vigid half you guys in this thread but cmon.... do you know how many ppl i get that combat log or exploit to kill themselves??? i have worked hard for the 10 mil in my bank account. We give up a KDR because we use tazers all day.. Whenever we get rdmd someone always steals our fakin restraints (this never fails)... IF YOU DONT WANT TO GET VIGID STOP SITTING IN SQUARE WITH 400K LOADOUTS. If this anti-vigi movement keeps up the way it is we're gonna have to start pushing cap.
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