So this is my opion so dont be mad guys
So alot of staff did leave staff like hadi and kyle and those guys beause new things what they did not like and i heard something that olympys did promote adminds and mods who wasnt good enough and i agree with some people beacuse olympys staff is good and and helps but they are slow they should do more events in game and if they ban somone they should open ban appeals less then 24 hours and same with players report and comp request like me i have waited over 1 week to my ban appeal so like wtf but i understand that they are busy there is like 10 mods and 4 adminds and 4 senior adminds they should open more the stuff and be more active like use discord more then teamspeak because almost everyone has discord and it would be so mutch easier i think that is my opion but im just saying that there is good staff on olympys but just saying they could start to be more active and like get staff who is active and can play alot because no one likes to wait 4 days to get they 500k comp and i agree this is my opion and i did talk with my friends they agree so open more appeals, make events,be more active
This is my opion and sorry for my bad english
Dont get mad guys this is just idea
and some adminds like are so weird like they say this is not vdm
that is what makes me mad that if somone vdms and they say this is not vdm and in the rules it says it is so im like wtf