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Everything posted by xSmokex

  1. Dont play anymore so I guess ill just sell shit before my 45 days is up. [ PROOF ] http://prntscr.com/mmddsv http://prntscr.com/mmdhjd 1 Mar-10 Lethal [ comes with a couple mags ] 2 Mar-10 Tasers [ comes with a couple mags ] 1 Spar-17 Taser 2 mk1 tasers 1 MX SW taser 5 MXM tasers 18 MX tasers 1 Spar-16s taser [ comes with 2 150 round mags ] 7 Spar-16 tasers 1 ADR-97 [p90] Lethal [ comes with 5 mags] 1 Type 115 taser [ can include .50 mag but will cost] 1 RPG [ comes with 3 rockets] 2 Carrier Special Rig [lvl 5 vest] 5 6.5 Suppressors 1 5.56 Supressor PM ME OR OFFER ON POST.
  2. offer i need more money to bet I have a addiction
  3. ill go 6 mil on zafir if not sold
  4. Ill buy it for 10 if you have one.
  5. I have a lethal and 2 tazers offer
  6. fair enough xD I only want one of these to blow up @Skip house in kavala but I never see any for sale.
  7. dont be that guy
  8. big lowball but im pretty sure he sold his mar 10
  9. Kinda overprices his stuff not going to lie but still has some clean items. if someone has the money u should buy
  10. 350k
  11. how much for a spar 16s with 6 mags
  12. will buy any. looking for a Mar-10 aswell. tell me what you have and how much for it. thanks
  13. 1 mxm tazer 11 mx tazers 2 spar 16 tazer 7 Deputy Clothes 1 Nato Beret also have some of the shitty cop vest if you want any let me know and offer
  14. 2.5
  15. 2
  16. you seem a little upset over some cop tazers. take care!
  17. let me know price and how many
  18. garage and house are in the same compound. really good to do tempest runs back and forth and then using suv / other to process. https://gyazo.com/1b301194be42166c56f5c760b047750e OFFER
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