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Everything posted by Ross_

  1. Did you get over those flu like symptoms you were talking about yet?

  2. lmao stay broke
  3. Finally not the change we wanted, but the change we needed. +1
  4. ^ thats what they want you to think all the while they're laughing their way to the bank w ur money and the medics that pick you up in front of vigis? thats some shit.
  5. I want them gone so goddamn much all they do is fly around in their little fucking helicopters and their smug fuckin faces collecting cash from the cold dead lifeless bodies which used to contain a human soul. They think they're untouchable just walking around without a care in the world and if any of you remember most of them have gambling addictions. I put money into lottos and every lotto some G-fuel guzzling medic wins it to add on to their 50mil that all they're gonna spend that shit on is more epi they're gonna charge me for anyways. Stupid bottom feeding scavengers they all need to go. I WANT THEM GONE.
  6. as long as joe doesnt win im chillin
  7. Ross_

    Hawk has huge muscles and a big heart


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ross_


      you gotta do what you gotta do


      max you down vote one more time and we are gonna scrap

    3. ItsGG


      4 minutes ago, hawk said:

      I wanna die

      gimme chief if you do ;)

    4. hawk


      1 minute ago, Aunt Jemima said:

      gimme chief if you do ;)

      Of course the VX tradition must live on

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