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Posts posted by PUG

  1. 1 minute ago, The Sovereign said:

    It's like you have never seen someone wash their hair before.  You understand wet hair is a thing right?  

    Also, low key happy you think I have a dick.  At least you won't be obsessing over me.   But seriously find some chill weirdo. 

    no one would obsess over you take ur meds retard

    @ The Sovereign  https://www.verywellmind.com/schizophrenia-treatments-2330662

  2. 12 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

    So how the actual shit fuck is this not a compable offense?  Caloom was immediately in side chat for an entire week bragging he is being protected by 'sr staff.'  Claiming it wouldn't be taken from him.  Takes weeks for staff to do the ticket, he gets banned, but they refuse to transfer it as comp because "we had no chance of taking it and were nowhere near him" despite us in a heli hunting him down.  

    This situation was far less ambugious when they stripped a ghawk from a ctf member in a equivalent situation.  

    Why does @ CaloomClark  get a free pass for combat storing.  

    Jump to 7:45.  

    That him combat storing.  He was engaged by someone with a titan trying to titan him, then we started pushing.  

    We have full video going all around the entire situation.  From engagement, to titan lock, to storing.  He was banned for it.  It was agreed to be a combat store.  We were circling him waiting to titan him.  @ Grandma Gary  decided, somehow, despite everyone else in this situation always getting their shit taken, that @ CaloomClark  doesn't have to face any consequences for his actions at all besides a 1  hour ban.  

    How is this fair?

    Gary, I've always had a lot of respect for you and I've always actually considered you a fair admin.  I've been assuring these guys for weeks you're a fair admin that wouldn't let some shit like this slide, and you did.  This is highly disappointing to see this level of bias from the top admin.  Deflating af.    Some people seemingly really are untouchable. 

    Please reevaluate your decision and give @ Wilhelm the ghawk that he deserves.  If not, you should 100% give cabbage back the ghawk that was taken from him in a far more ambiguous situation.  

    And the countless people who've had ghawks stripped from them based on logs of them storing across the map.

    look no one cares but also why the fuck did you upload an 8hour clip to youtube also in the clip i dont know what the fuck im looking at because ITS FUCKING 8 HOURS LONG YOU DENT FUCKING BRICK RETARD

  3. 16 hours ago, Alpha and Omega said:

    Hear me out I don't know what WALT said but from my perspective of this player "Evader" thinks after breaking a rule continuously in an active situation and stating a Mod/Admin  allowed it is an issue we deal with on this server. It should be dealt with appropriately. I think their should be an appropriate action dealing with my disputes on this matter and also this footage I am about to share. If we want new players to join/learn and they can figure out that their are Admin/Mods in gangs with out these disputes being the reason of Admins/Mods being in the gangs this should consist of us players holding our friends/higher positioned players in the gang with respect and honor to their reputation not using them as a tool to get out of bans.  I am disappointed with the ruling I got when I reported the player "Evader" I was told "he did comp you" I was also informed they will watch to see if he "does it again" The issue is he was breaking a rule over and over to figure out where I was, also I assume to get an advantage to fighting me by getting to my position faster, it so happened if I wanted to take the shot 500 plus meters out the dpi could have given my position away and allowed an advantage on his part. In the dispute I asked for 200k right off the bat. You would think that would be an easy comp right? He instead of comping me seemingly tried using WALT as an excuse. I know you can't dpi so I proceed to inform the rules. After speaking in the disputes for about 4mins I finally resolved the dispute because he said he wasn't gonna comp and he stuck by his excuse which was sadly "WALT" the Mod in their gang atm.  What I want from this is just for us all to look at this realistically. We should not be using our friends which can also be STAFF as an excuse and then when it doesn't look good for you and someone doesn't want the comp at the end of the dispute you comp anyways you should still suffer the ban that is appropriate to the broken rule.  FYI I didn't even take the money out of my deposit box it is still in there because I don't want the money at this time I would prefer a better server where we all have fun and can enjoy each other. 



    hes just black retard

  4. 2 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

    Obviously nothing was done wrong by staff in this situation.  He was doing something and having a conversation, but I don't think op was suggesting he did something wrong.  I think he's just making a point that staff can turn god mode on and nobody would know... and that is 100% honestly a valid concern.  I've personally busted staff cheating in a combat situation where it was 100% undeniable 5-6 times and gotten comped for it.

    You can bet your bottom dollar there are 1-2 staff members that regulalry flick their ESP on and off.  Teamplayers consistently does it 100% unfortunately.  

    There's been 5-10 times I was attacking teamplayers gang base, and then all of a sudden the staff with them hides in a building and then the entire gang is making a b-line to my position that has no line of sight at all.

    back off retard i can turn the boxes on or off whenever i want bitch

  5. 1 hour ago, Doke TV said:

    Brought this on my self but the punishments are a little much for the situation imo. It was fun but I can't be bothered to play after a full acc wipe and restrictions. 

    where's my 400k retard

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