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Bongo Bongo Bongo

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Everything posted by Bongo Bongo Bongo

  1. I said around 6m, we can negotiate but I'm not selling under 4.5
  2. 2100 storage
  3. selling for around 6m
  4. Bump looking for kavala house
  5. I'm looking for around 3
  6. I want way more
  7. Selling s1 moonshine bungalow perfect spot
  8. What is the point of owning a house there?
  9. Auto hover wars with APD ghost hawks are always fun

  10. Looking for a Kavala house pm me
  11. If you got any houses on s1 post them below and I'll have a look.
  12. WTB Cop Sting 9mm. PM / Comment below if you have one, I'm willing to pay high. Do NOT comment unless you have one and are selling it.
  13. Okay meet me on s1
  14. 400k? 500k? I have no clue what the price is for them...
  15. How much do you want for 1 RPG with 1 rocket?
  16. I’ll give you credit for this one hahaha Who was it anyways?
  17. These forum tags are growing on me. :wub:

    1. Big Steve

      Big Steve

      Agreed. Definitely a fresh look.

    2. Theory


      Glad yall like them :D

  18. “The fucking trash monkey deputy walks right in front of me” Best part of the video haha
  19. I don't see it in your garage
  20. Good luck to all in the GW

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