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Everything posted by karmaa

  1. will never forget this Kav RDMr
  2. Perm Keys to Garage being sold, MESSAGE me if Interested!
  3. i love you <3 retards needs to know they are fucking retarded :)
  4. buff turtles its garbage we want it to be at the middle-lower part of illegals as its painfully hard
  5. Zooms commentary was hillarious but complete dog shit worst ive ever seen in any type of event
  6. i know im important dumbo
  7. im more important than you
  8. now i wanna see Barbs tits aswell @Peter Long
  9. IRL shit is why Long released himself from the owner spot tho adjusting aka ruining the forums for shitposters
  10. WTF @Ryan you gotta have a talk with Ares he removed my fucking Downvote button guess i wont spend anytime on the forums anymore only good thing was posting trash for downvotes @Ares bring back my downvote button it was the only reason for alot of us to use the forums
  11. well ur one of few who would <3
  12. we didnt really have a point we argued, so there isnt anything to forfit
  13. cant wait for the day you fall down a flight of stairs and break both your arms dont have to deal with your worthless chatter anymore
  14. bet you dont even speak any other languages than english, dumb fuck
  15. well if you used the default font, it would have looked like the rest of my support tickets, wouldnt it?
  16. well try using the default font than retard @Ryan he called me retarded i think you should ban him
  17. this made me think my ban appeal was not accepted "In the future be sure to know and understand the rules so issues such as this do not happen again. For next time note that that's an arma bug. If you see it happen don't just shoot him because it's not his fault that he went flying. "
  18. oh i totally know but i highlighted some and not all so it looked like the ban appeal was denied and not accepted and therefore it became an issue
  19. @rapidaax Ryan dared me ez
  20. that is very true but we see our recording that explains our innocent i was lucky to have rapidax reply to mine within 24 hours, but my signature still shows his reply and it wasnt really readable
  21. there was a big reduction in staff we lost some good men and women o7.
  22. 100% if you are in a gang and they break the rules while you watch, the staff member in question wouldnt ban them there and than he would leave it be unless someone else reports it that alone is wrong if a member of staff sees a violation happend within their own gang they should ban the member that broke the rule right there and than
  23. but it pops up ingame when they attempt to login and yeah ban appeals takes a while depending on the staff who banned you aswell, ive heard that with some moderators ur lucky if you get a response within the 3 days of your ban not mentioning names cause not looking to have staff not like me, cause as you know im very likeable
  24. ehm Equality isnt Equality anymore and Feminism is about getting Equal rights plus bonuses
  25. its not that guys dont like just as much but, if women get to decide who they want based on height guys should be allowed to decide based on a legit weight guys dont lie just as much*
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