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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Wester

  1. Why don't skeletons fight eatch other? they don't have the guts!
  2. Hear me out, Casino in jail!...

    1. -dante-


      You might be spittin’. And if you hit 5m+ on green you get out immediately a rich man 🔥🔥

    2. JoeL


      Possibly introduce some new prison style functions/odds/games, possibly some dice.

    3. TapTap


      I had suggested it once before, gamble with your time. Either get more time or less time in jail.

  3. This is what's going on i kavala rn:)


    1. SPBojo


      Jævla gresskar 

  4. Yo, can someone help me were do i apply for a refound?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wester


      my helicopter but i think ive found where to applie for it

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Just in case: https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/


      Click New Request, title your request (e.g. Heli Comp Request), select Compensation Request from the department drop-down menu, enter your steam ID, timezone, date & time of incident, and what server it occurred on. Then in the box below, provide proof of the incident, and then request the amount you'd like to be compensated. It'd help to itemize the request as well.

    4. Wester


      oh thanks brother


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