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Sagebrush last won the day on December 3 2019

Sagebrush had the most liked content!

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I got a mar 10 tazer and dms, how much u wana pay for it?
  2. push moist nugget on og
  3. Cool vehicles, mediocre gear.
  4. Joe biden and his quotes are cringe.
  5. holy crap your a bot, 1800 hours and both your kds are bellow 1
  6. Ok so for all drugs (except for meth and moonshine) the basic process gets %100 of the total drug value if you double process you will recieve 125% of the drugs value, you can do basic processes at black markets, but the black market will take a cut of your materials. Then yheres cartels, if you dont hold them you have to pay a 15% tax on all drugs sold (except frog drugs).
  7. how many crates?
  8. i cant relate, but it looks fundamentally different
  9. Tbh the events have gotten way easyer since ive joined olympus, i would encourage many smaller to medium gangs to do said heists, you can easily 5 man the bank.
  10. I like dis gaem
  11. i think prism did one yesterday, and this last weekend i did 3 bank heists.
  12. this post is over a month old
  13. hm they unlocked it again
  14. holy shit 2.5 is mar 10 prices
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