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Everything posted by Sagebrush

  1. You forgot a rule, go-kart > Ifrit
  2. I want da monez
  3. Yep, my gang has a strange philosophy on recruitment, (upper mid tier gang) our targets for recruitment ironically are actually players that have 200 hours on arma. Yep you heard me right, we almost exclusively recruit noobs, not because we cant do better, but rather because once you show a noob the gang and are even the slightest skill at teaching, you can train a noob to be a dangerous fighter that understands the in game systems. In addition they are extremely loyal and are far less likely to betray you when compared to a veteran player. Tldr dont gate keep, gate keeping is gay. And dont exploit the noobs.
  4. I think all the houses in that town are broken, like all the houses in oreocastro.
  5. Deal when can you be on
  6. Rnr good as long as they do not artificially upset the balance of power within a fight.
  7. Sagebrush


    Totaly not just spam
  8. Thats not the point, ive done that in the past, what im saying is that this game it is extremely easy as a new player to have a small bounty and underequiped despite your best efforts. Almost all runs done are done in suboptimal circumstances.
  9. still avalable
  10. https://streamable.com for situation 1 the helicopter was empty, for situation 2 we were initially cruising in an orca and they just attacked us for no reason, and for situation 3 the truck was full of iron ore.
  11. Civ role is best Hooliganry is the ultimate catharsis in this game. However... A warning to new players, the apd, and rnr Although the whitelisted factions tend to forget this; their role is to enhance the civ playing experiance, and to lend the world balance and authenticity. All too often i sadly see biased medics [medics that choose to only assist one side and deny the other mid fight] and cops hellbent on a personal paycheck, and abusing their power, instead of lending credibility and realism to the world of olympus. Although most of my gangs best experiances have come from fighting off an abusive cop chase, I cant count the number of times one of my gang mates have been chassed to the far corners of the map in either an empty helicopter or empty truck -- even if you are doing legal runs (dont do them) all the hard work you put into that load of oil or iron (appx 700k which is huge to a new player) can vaporize because you had 60k in bounties, happened to have a bootleg car 95 macinegun (car 95 rifle with drum mags to save money) and the cop was extremely bored. Even though i have been far to rich to stoop this low for well over 8 months; it is still a problem that helps contribute to the inability of olympus to hold onto new members. The new members come, but they do not stay. I am not salty about this, and am trying to remain impartial and unbiased, good cops that actually roleplay are out there, and medics that actually wait for a fight to resolve before they pick up are out there. But a sizable portion of both the apd and rnr are in it for the power trip.
  12. no deal
  13. Starting bid is at 2mill
  14. I use tempests pussy and solo, i dont use spotters, in a single solo run i make about 4 mill, takes about 4 hours of work tho.
  15. I can confirm that MOB(PFB) does suck.
  16. ffs are the tazers still avalable, or did i get sniped
  17. Update, i only want the promet and spar 16 will pay 500 k for promet and 300k for spar 16
  18. Will pay 1.3 mill for all of the tazers.
  19. Sagebrush


    How much
  20. True, but luck can only get you so farr with multiple runs.
  21. Wasent thinking of that, but... that is an interesting idea.
  22. if you actually know how to do runs, those lazy doughnut eaters will never find you, get gud at doing runs. ive literally done massive illegal runs with 15+cops on a 45 person server.
  23. You arent being cleaver enough, combine the tractor with another cargo vehicle lets say a tempest transport, and a strategically bought garage; and you have an impressive combo for runs right there. Have the tractor as an engine to enhance runs; not a stanalone run vehicle like the tempest device.
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