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Everything posted by Natsirt

  1. gfyf
  2. Sir, I recall I am a higher rank then you now, I am taking over Deputy Chief of Police, you can suck a big fat juicy pickle.
  3. Just another scrub retiring, o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7
  4. I understand that they don't like responding to the patients and they have multiple calls it's just disgusting seeing them not responding to us, while they're reviving someone they can reply, it's just better to know if they're coming or not, eta, or whatever, but when I get nothing back it makes me want to kill a small child.
  5. I don't give a fuck if they should or shouldn't, reviving the whole server or not, I don't care it's disrespectful to fucking ignore patients much less telling them i'm denying your services for trolling because you ask ETA, all i'm trying to say is that medics need to pay attention to side chat, I can care less if you are 50km away or 1km away it's annoying when we ask eta or what's going on medic they don't respond, and that goes for all medics, I'm tired of hearing it be complained about so I thought I would express it to everyone.
  6. https://gyazo.com/8c23953b1ec81bffb9ccd1a3fdf41637
  7. So, I've been noticing lately, any rank medic no matter what they're doing will not respond in side chat, like i've had multiple incidents today where I will say Medic ETA? in sidechat multiple MULTIPLE times and I get no response, I understand you may have some other fucking people you are responding to (revives) but I feel it needs to be a rule or atleast be adressed that medics need to respond in sidechat and keep the dead patients up to date, because as I've said, me and my friends die a good amount of time from whatever it may be, and the medics NEVER respond to what we ask in sidechat. There's also been times when I get denied services for *Trolling* when i'm asking a simple question and they're not doing their job, it's just really getting annoying and putting a bad reputation on the medics. Thank You, Natsirt
  8. Anyone selling a dp 23 24 or 25 house? Reply to this with how much u will sell it for and where, I will message you when I see you on the server, let me know and thanks <3
  9. Thanks my man :)
  10. Hello all, on a real note I've had this Alienware 14 for about a year and a half, maybe two years now, it was really a good computer but now i'm getting 20-30 fps constantly on Arma 3, and on my main game (CSGO) I get like 125-150 fps consistently on all low everything (Arma 3 and CSGO). Does anyone have a beasty computer in the range of 800-1250 or so dollars that gets 60-70 fps consistently on Arma 3 and you know would do well on CSGO aswell? No laptops please and if possible could you link me to the website where you bought it from or state the specs for me? <3 Olympus Community and thanks for all the help!
  11. Sorry about the death in your family, but your ass is gonna get this gun across your face and u can't arrest nothing u hippy. mmmmh Kappa.
  12. Fuck yo posts Hammie. Kappa.
  13. Nothing special. Kappa.
  14. Nothing special, u act like a god.
  15. I *think* civilians deserve mk-1 emr's too.
  16. Meth - Ephedra, Lithium, Phosphorus, Moonshine - Sugar Cane, Yeast, Corn, These here are the best for money, but you can get robbed.
  17. cLoak with the dick riding m8. Maybe that's how I get Lieutenant Kappa.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dustin87


      Natsirt if u were smart u would be in the pocket like i am and ud get corporal relly quik. JK I have a better  chance of getting aids than getting corporal.

    3. Ace


      Still a lower rank buuuuud

    4. Thomas


      Fuck that Natshit.  Grab 5 hostages and make Ace himself give you a mk1.  SMASHED!

  19. Jorbis, I sucked your dick a lot. Outside of the house is a better life my man, School, work whatever it may be is the better option, I know gaming can be something that ruins your career. I feel you man and best of luck on the outside world!
  20. Bye Felicia
  21. I don't care about how hard it is finding us or if it's easy, I can care less, what i'm saying is, when you try and roleplay with ANY cop and your bounty is not $350 for an assault they will deny your rp and just read the name over ur head, saying we did a DNA test or something stupid when we said we have no dna, what i'm saying is when I try to RP with ANY fucking cop they will not rp back in a sense they should. I can also say my name is something else and they still deny it and call me the name it says above my head. I think you should be able to tilda our names but when you're in range to see the civilians name you shouldn't be able to see it is what i'm trying to say @mcdildo.
  22. I understand you gotta RP to get RP back but the cops don't do so lol
  23. So, all the cops just look at ur name, cause ur name is above your head, obviously, for rp sakes I say the cops can only see their own's names and they can't see civilians names, because what they do is just say oh, i'm going to do a DNA test or a facial recognition, but if the person in custody is rping, saying I don't have DNA, or my face is fake and stupid stuff like that, the cops just deny that it's fake and just call u by ur name, in recent RP sessions I have done this and it never works, even if the RP is actually releveant. For them to have to find ur name they have to do something other than just look at your name, check ur licenses or something, I think if the cops could not see the civilians names RP sessions would be how they should be, confirmed or not? Just an opinion and this would help the whole server with RP.
  24. Talking about this wipe, but cool to see all the bounties, i'm at 7 mil right now but it's not hard to get a bounty, I have been taking it like oh my fucking god i'm amazing at this game, I have 310 kills or whatever, but it's not hard, just kill some freshies, some cops, and some PcP, Tree, MC and Tree, no biggie
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