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Everything posted by Natsirt

  1. I know Deimos had a bounty around 6-10 mil, anyone remember what it was? Or if anyone has had more than that.
  2. I just don't agree with the Higher ups at this point, we all have a good point here everyone that is an admin shouldn't be a higher up, all I gotta say, my chest has no more hairs.
  3. Yeah, I just blacklisted myself from APD. It was fun all the memories I had when I was in the APD but this past month the higher ups have made horrible decisions and everyone can back me up, end of story I am tired of it and it's going to end the server very soon.
  4. Same thread, different day but Dustin still gets S M A S H E D.
  5. I thought the APD were trained and fucking tought correctly about RP, and shit but I guess not, this past month people have been getting corporal and have been abusing their powers for one, two everyone is getting demoted or de-whitelisted/blacklisted for fucked up reasons, I've seen some fucked up situations were you have to just give back the person lost because you robo-copped them or what the fuck ever, all I have to say is the APD is becoming something it shouldn't be and it was great but this past month it's been complete dogshit and it's not fun anymore. I don't want this post to become a hate thread, or a thread that everyone is biased about, it's just my opinion and I wanted to get this out there, as many know already.
  6. LOL forreal
  7. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlXEa2QIorg&feature=youtu.be Explanation: Night Watch (NW) tryed to do a Highway Patrol takeover, but it was voided due to some things that were not in the text that should have been, like what hq was being taken over, and how long until the hq takeover was live, so I got killed once, respawned and took down a bunch of NW, and got called a hacker, this is one of the best moments of my olympus career, and then later T does a jailbreak and they all call me hacker. I love these moments and I hope they happen again, especially before my break from olympus :)!
  8. No you don't, Bohemia came out with an update saying that they are not allowing donations for perks anymore. It sucks I know
  9. No, WC is Mr.Corey's new gang. Kappa
  10. I was invited to look at their school for our college prep progam, I really liked the school and I might look forward to going their. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROXqddQYBH4 That's baseball.
  11. Baseball is a sport, if you think it's not, meet me at the diamond. Baseball is a sport, if you think it's not, meet me at the diamond.
  12. School here in Texas starts on the 24th, right now it's the 12th of August, once school starts I will not be focusing on olympus much at all, possibly not playing at all aswell, I have a lot of things on my mind, focusing hard on school and trying to get a scholarship for college, aswell as extracurricular activities such as baseball. I hope everyone has a fun time and respect for everyone who has been a great part of my experience, which is all of olympus! I just wanted to let you know of my absense, but this wont start until the 24th, I will probably have the fun of throwing my laptop on the ground and then breaking it even more with a hammer haha Anyways, farewell to all and I hope you all have a great rest of the summer and I will always keep olympus on my mind!
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