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  1. Heard you guys had a DB problem Im really sorry to hear that

  2. Fun Fact The Olympus Anti Cheat Is A Myth

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bezzy


      Want more? Faggot

    3. Ryan


      You are asking me like my answer matters l 0 l. 

    4. Bezzy
  3. Money will be comped very soon
  4. Heard you are having problems with S2

    1. NexIV


      What about it guy.

  5. Im a queer I can join the server and make you go through logs for hours with 3 left button clicks so if that makes me a queer then IM A FUCKING QUEER If this happens I'll retire from hacking on Olympus Crazy to think what a $1 transaction can do
  6. WOW Nelly this seems like it touched a nerve bet youre excited to see whats coming Woah*
  7. https://gyazo.com/f9e3d84534c39c09bef58cc8e509d9a0 Seems like my love is strong
  8. Dont worry boys we will comp you
  9. Hi - Monkeysz <3
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