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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. All APD Members swear they are 16! Although it may be hard to believe most if not all are
  2. To everybody saying we need more Devs. Devs who may be able to help could also fuck this entire community up and crash it into the ground.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MidgetMuncher


      Danny that's an arma bug and will be fixed soon, it's happening on all servers other than that server 2 is dying anyway

    3. dannyfrog87


      well. lets hope so. all errors or bugs get ruled out. you would think by now. bohemia or who ever makes these patches or updates. would be pros now at what they do?? i suppose not lol .... it happened before the mass majority got disconnected only 4 of us stayed connected by some miracle. they must not just stress test it or use a test server on there end before distributing it world wide?? facepalm

  3. That it not 100% true the officer in question can tell you top stop operating them if you do it again its "Disobeying an Officer" also if you try to close it on or right before without chance of stopping it could be Considered RDM
  4. comp or b.... No Message from Server in 10 Seconds

  5. Yall Just Jelly of my l33t skills in Software
  6. Its Not Google its Your Browser Most Likely Cache and all
  7. Proof of Concept Idea I had while Looking for new Flaws in HTML5 Just Refresh the page and Travel the World for my love Madi >:{}
  8. RIP CHIVES! You will be Forever

    1. Fedot
    2. Fedot
    3. Dustin87


      RIP CHIVES, I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Do you have a License for those weapons you call hands sir? I need to see some Identification!
  10. Yeah they should be able to lethal if they run and your to lazy to pursue! Or even if the prisoner calls you a Lame cop
  11. suggestion for all teir 5 donators auto spawn with Titan plus missle
  12. tier 5
  13. Make sure its compatible with ARMA3 Updates
  14. Anybody up for some Tag Teaming RP

    1. Fedot


      if i where to play my entire olympus time straight back to back i would be playing for 21.5277779167 Days

  15. Headset just shit its self Ill be back in 2-3 Buiness days!

    1. Fedot



  16. Why are all the Good looking people crazy?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dustin87


      Its a labryinth.....

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I understood a woman once. But then I woke up =(

    4. iPopsicle


      rt if u cried evrytiem ^^

  17. If your looking for a good time stop by my twitch stream! I RP all the time and would like your input! twitch.tv/voxthevoice
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  18. We had a meeting for a medic to talk about his Vice! He had a drinking issue that led him to crash his helicopter!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fedot


      Did anybody get it on Film? The part where His heli started Spinning was "OH GAWD"

    3. Tman15tmb


      It wasn't me John.. Don't worry.

    4. Fedot


      We arnt gonna name names! *Cough* Issac Newton *cough*

  19. If your Bored or not busy, stop by my stream for Great RolePlay, Intense Chases, and Rebels! twitch.tv/voxthevoice

  20. http://imgur.com/QNvdgdj This sis what I do when not on APD
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