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Chris P. Bacon

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  1. Yeah I'm sure a solution could be implemented that would benefit everyone, including the apd.
  2. Just doesnt make sense. Change the rulebook and blacklist medics if they invoice at feds. Problem solved, apd is happy. Disable wire transfers if needed or set a 100k max invoice amount. Abuse would be easily spotted and dealt with. I've spent more on lollipops than I received in invoices but it's a fun part of being a medic and shouldn't be taken away. @Mercury
  3. Entire removal of invoices is going a bit too far, a handbook rule change prohibiting them at Fed/BW would be more than enough. Why punish medics who go out of their way to get people up, bring dope crates, give rides to people 15km away, etc? @Coffee is there a specific reason it will be taken out altogether?
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