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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Odin

  1. As its been mentioned, we used to be able to have charges added to us and I would make it known that if a R&R member was seen breaking a law (such as speeding when not responding to a situation) that they should be charged and subsequently, sent to jail if they refused to pay their tickets. Being that this is no longer the case, if at any time a R&R member is not acting within the scope of their role, are openly breaking laws or in any way failing to act within accordance of the Olympus R&R Handbook, please provide me with all relevant information via a private message on the forums (or get my attention on TeamSpeak) so that corrective action may be administered. I am unable to be everywhere at once and as such, I need and would appreciate eyes out in the field in order to bring situations such as the one Tman mentioned to my attention.
  2. Normally this is when I'd put the Michael Jackson eating popcorn gif in... but this isn't even entertaining. Everyone grow up and get the rulers away from your e-dicks... Also, I HAD no problem with Poker up until he broadcasted a way to screw with the servers, which is a big no no in any book. That could effectively screw with everyone here, not just Poseidon.
  3. What's the best way to remove your stream from the list?

    1. Jendrak


      Ask hades to do it.

    2. Fedot


      Doing nude Scenes of your Mom and get Banned from Twitch! Comment if you get that Ref

    3. Odin


      Thanks Jendrak

  4. Termy is alive! Zombie! Burn it with fire!!!!!
  5. I meant I don't play civ. And you're welcome.
  6. *silently patches himself up and puts out a notice to all R&R prohibiting assistance for Habib Jiwali and any known associates* #NOHELPFORYOU Just roll with it Lt.
  7. *silently steals Habib's popcorn*
  8. Odin

    So CNN

  9. As someone who doesn't play civ... I agree with this. APD being able to see the drug dealer from the MSR while "running to the Kavala Checkpoint real fast" seems rather cheap.
  10. Not knowing these lyrics (minus 500 miles and milkshake) makes me feel either really young or just that out of touch...
  11. Busted hahaha
  12. Not really sure what I'd expected to happen in this thread, but this wasn't it. PS: Peter Dinklage Song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idVozGXbn2Y
  13. Dude just smoked himself.... So many doors to open for jokes...
  14. Odin


    Nothing fancy, some no-name steampunk mech mod and a Taurus style dripper.
  15. Odin


    What on earth is a life saber vap? Edit: Nvm, thanks google.
  16. Odin


    Great, all this talk about vaping made me go buy a new mod and atty. Thanks guys....
  17. Odin


    Well it does have quite a few miles on it... and it does turn heads rather well... so.... maybe?
  18. Odin


    Black chrome nemesis mod sporting a dual coil IGO-W drip.
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