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Everything posted by Odin

  1. This is fact Jen. I been scouring the interwebz for a week trying to find the answer to how to get the EBO files decrypted and the answer I always found was "You can't, but BI said that they will be decrypting the files at an undisclosed date."
  2. Dibs on the seat though >_>
  3. Odin

    A3L mod

    I saw the videos and thought it would be something cool to mix things up a bit, but I ended up flaking on the interview. Their application alone (multiple essays, really?) made me procrastinate for probably 2 weeks before finally submitting one. A3L looks kind of cool, but overall I'm happy here and from what I'm reading, I made the correct decision my forgetting about it and staying here at Olympus. #OlympusIsLife
  4. I could throw you in jail if you want to test?
  5. Could always look into AMD instead of Intel. Am in the process of upgrading my rig to house a AMD FX-8350 Black Edition Vishera 8-Core 4.0GHz ($180), motherboard for it will range about $120-$170. Also, Newegg is your friend.
  7. As a re-iteration on what Wheat said, everyone needs to keep in mind, just because you have freedom of speech (depending on where you live), doesn't mean you can walk into someone's house and start dropping f-bombs every 2 seconds. You will be kicked out and if you don't leave, you can be forced to leave because the owner that that house doesn't like what you're doing. Same thing here, yes you have freedom of speech BUT you are participating in a community run by a select few. This is THEIR house and it is THEIR choice on what you can or cannot say or do because THEY run the servers and administer THEIR community. You abide by their rules, not your own or what you perceive as your right. As for abuse, since it came up, the ultimate decision is that of our staff members, not the players. Its their rule, they'll administer it as they see fit.
  8. Even prisoners get to play b-ball.... I mean g-ball.
  9. Please remember to submit issues you have with other players via a Player Report Ticket, the format for which can be found here: http://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1000-olympus-player-report-format/ Thank you,
  10. It was already said that they were going to talk about changing it, why is this even being discussed anymore?
  11. Might be time to lock this thread?
  12. As a non-server-crybaby, I approve of this thread and feel that having a group playing as a verified and extreme terrorist organization is uncalled for. Saying that no one should say anything unless they've been directly affected by the real ISIS is like saying no one should say anything about an adult beating a child unless they were beaten themselves as a child. And as a side note, we're all adults here, don't point fingers and use name calling because you don't agree or no one will take you seriously.
  13. Y'all wanna play a game of Glowball?
  14. Its a prison... it shouldn't be easy to break out of. It should take planning and manpower. Like Poseidon said, there are towers in the water, plus those on the shore. You can bust someone out if you have a plan on how to do it. Also, you can't let one incident change how everything works. So everyone decided to stop you one time, not going to be like that every time.
  15. With the upcoming update markers on the map will only appear for those who request a revive. Also being added in will be markers on the map for those who use the emergency EMS text option, making locating requesters much easier to locate. Not sure if Poseidon is also fixing the issue of markers not showing up while repairing or reviving, I suspect this will stay the same unless he changes how the markers are placed.
  16. This is beyond amazing hahahaha.
  17. I think I'm going crazy... I just laughed at my own joke....
  18. Odin


    On a non-soup nazi note, I'd imagine they'll do a sale when the next DLC comes out here soon.
  19. Its a little rascals gif... I had a moment of weakness. Don't judge me.
  20. Erikk's expression: My envisioned reply from Snake:
  21. If there are 6 officers online, 3 should be in Kavala while the other 3 are patrolling between Pyrgos and Athira. If there are 9, 3 in each city. 11 or more with a corporal or higher online, 3 per city and 2 on air patrol. There's no reason to remove the respawn rule. Just need the ranks to swell with good officers.
  22. That's essentially my entire post... I seriously doubt the Orca would be given to APD as that would require yet another skin to be created, further boosting the mission file size. Plus there is already the Ghosthawk. And yes everyone reading this is thinking "But the Ghosthawk has guns John, the Orca doesn't." Unless the pilot unlocks the GH, no one can get on the guns, making them a decoration for most air patrols. Shoot a message to a Senior APD member and alert them to your situation. If tomorrow marks day 3 of being a cadet, you're fine. Its a 3-day minimum as a recruit. And Snake, this isn't about being a Corporal. Its about accessibility around the island and quicker response times.
  23. Personally, the little bird shouldn't be based on rank. Another option would be a higher up (or a constable if needed due to people's real lives, which come first) that is authorized to "certify" APD constables or higher for flight. This of course would require more stringent regulations when it comes to air patrols being that it could very well be a constable flying around, but with more stringent regulations comes higher punishments. Someone messes up when flying, give them a warning. They do it again? Ground them for a few days. They just don't get it and screw up a third time, revoke their flight privileges and have them sell their chopper. (Yes this is a loss in money, maybe they shouldn't have f***ed up THREE times) It could work where an "instructor" who is whatever rank (again, real lives) is tasked with heading up the Airial Unit for APD. Someone wants to join up, they apply. If they're accepted, they go out with an instructor who interviews them in flight (or before, whatever) and gives them control of the bird. At that point, its up to the applicant to perform various actions such as touch and goes, handling tests, pursuit, etc. Point is, not everyone can fly (as mentioned by Jamal) and those who can might not be able to. Birds should be a privilege granted by certification, not a right based on rank. PS: I think this is what you were looking for Thomas.
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