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Greenarrow last won the day on October 13 2018

Greenarrow had the most liked content!

About Greenarrow

  • Birthday 01/01/1999

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. Is this giveaway adjusted for inflation?
  2. i'd buy mar10 for 1.7m each and mags for 25k ea tn if u put on AH
  3. Cock + Ball Torture and DPI Jumping
  4. 3c+ DM what u got or list on realtor
  5. DPI Jumping is becoming the most annoying and prevalent cheat on the server, and it has to stop. Shoutout to Devon for keeping the streets clean https://gyazo.com/d4f7562d521d9119fae432c53eb307e7 https://gyazo.com/e1051a71e5f07e408307a2a9879dc625
  6. 4 hours for 500 crack is wild
  7. Unless it's doxxing why is that a line that's crossed? It honestly surprises me that you would call the F slur a regular ass gamer insult when so is many racial slurs. My argument is that it should be all or nothing, cause it clearly looks cherry picked.
  8. Not a personal attack, I just disagree. If someone reports something obscure and you said it is a line that cannot be crossed, that is a new line. Never seen a rule about that. Check out @ Community Director Sov 's newest montage and there's 2 instances of Pledge using the homophobic F slur and making screenshots of her being a pedo. If the argument that joking about the relative is toxic, then everything that's going on is toxic.
  9. Respect sov for this one. Look at this @ OG Abraham
  10. Confused why Rufus was banned and why Shawn drew the line at the relatives thing. If this server allows you to use certain racist terms, make fun of disability using slurs, tell people to KYS, and making homophobic/transphobic remarks, why is the line drawn at other things on the same level? Allow all or allow none. Cherry-picking based on your own life experience because you don't care about disabled slurs, but you have friends that might get offended by other things is stupid.
  11. Start skipping meals, the PC upgrade is necessary at this point.
  12. What is the May donation goal? May is already past and the goal was met. 

    1. JoeL


      To keep the server up and running 😁

  13. cancel olympus+ subscription to upgrade pc by end of year, the slideshow hurt
  14. reported swatting threats
  15. Can the creator DLC's not be used/added* on olympus? @ Milo

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Milo


      Unfortunately what everyone else said is correct. Arma for whatever reason does not include these DLCs in the actual base game files unless they are purchased. Which basically means that it functions alike any other workshop mod in that the client would have to own it and download it in order for them to be able to join and play. Which is super unfortunate, because I would go super big on porting all the guns and vehicles over from those if they were actually available.

    3. Element_


      what milo said

    4. knifemaster


      what Element_ said

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