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Everything posted by Imagine_

  1. Looks like you need to get gud kid
  2. You cried I dpied asked for 200k comp and alt f4
  3. ? Your a career cop who is open about getting pegged. Fix your teeth before you trying talking shit
  4. You alt f4 after getting killed, cry about it more.
  5. Your a career cop good job buddy
  6. Wanna come up with somthing original? Only the shitters who get clapped by 88 say that.
  7. You have 8 deputies run in and the 6 Po’s while the higher ups mar 10 you through the crates and dome. Not hard to take out 7 civs inside dome with 17 cops. Which is why I made the post to point out that sAPD said they going to make federal events balanced and yet I don’t see how it’s being balanced.
  8. It’s a dome strat fed wym
  9. You might be right maybe I’m just tired of carrying shitters all the time
  10. There was no medics because mako permed all of them from the last fed so they didn’t come. Like the community is trying to do an April fools fed for fun with medics and the community manager perms them because god forbid someone wins a fed when makos on cop
  11. Not mad, point out a post the senior apd posted saying to balance federal events. And yet you have a 17 cop vs 9 civ fed. All I’m saying. But think whatever you need. You can make fun of 88 as much as you want but it’s funny how 88 is in everyone’s mouth these days. 88 must be doing something right if we have everyone trying to talk shit about us.
  12. I made the forums to post to point out that you post things on the forums saying apd should start balancing federal events and then a fed like today had 17 cops stacked against 9 Civs. Also the fed we did before you posted the April fools update saying medics can protect civs from cops and you have mako perm ban every medic because they were killing cops at the fed who were trying to tase and lethal the civs at the fed.
  13. Also sorry I don’t have a moderator like @Regal to admin revive me inside the fed.
  14. sAPD always has excuses. First it was false raid with rabid and had to add a rule that being on the roof of your house is now pc, Then you put a rule saying not allowed to wear swat gear when on the APD and then change the handbook to say backpacks are excluded, to now saying cops should balance federal events to now making an excuse that there was 8 deputies. Not complaining I just think if your going to post things on the forums or in the rules you should follow them. But that's just me I guess
  15. again im open to autograghs just msg me when you want one
  16. Still living in your head rent free lol
  17. crazy I killed 18 of them in the three waves it took them to take control of the fed
  18. TeamSpeak 3 (gyazo.com) 17 cops to stack a dome strat fed vs. John's Foxhole - Discord (gyazo.com) 9 civs. Wonder why nobody wants to federal events are Olympus.
  19. @jig https://gyazo.com/7be95b0a53b1bde93e920c58e3768172 lol you was actually serious about perm banning me from cqc

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Regardless, it's not an Olympus related server so . . . the owners of it, whoever they are. Can do as they please.

    3. buckie
    4. Imagine_


      @jig I just thought it was you becasue you sent me a message one day when you was on cop saying im now permed on cqc.

  20. @Imagine_ View my profile and look over my idea for the new black-market mushroom. Would like to see the communities feedback on weather it needs a change and if my idea is a good makeover for the mushroom black-market.
  21. Would love to see this as the new blackmarket. The new blackmarket mushroom is a lack of effort and thought and is actually worse for both civs and apd to process and fight at. 






    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Millennium


      I meant the windows are broken as in no grenades can go thru it. You can't throw teargas, smokes, grenades, etc. thru the windows. I would love to add more building, and make areas work better, but not if its a game breaking issue. For example: the old mushroom blackmarket processor. The Dayz prison server, you can't throw any projectiles thru the from door, people camp on the corner inside and can almost always win the fights. The exception to that building is you could break the upstairs window and try and throw smoke thru it. Broken building.

      A black market is not supposed to be heavily fortified/protected. Its meant to be a standard Altis civilian area, supposed to blend in, not be fortified like a military compound. So thats why I have an issue with the deer stand.

    3. Imagine_


      The old blackmarket mushroom was broken because you couldn't throw stones or grenades through the door and there was only one way in. That isn't a problem with this new idea for the blackmarket because there are two different ways into the blackmarket so using stones and grenades isn't going to be effective anyway. But if I was an officer pushing this building I'd enter the bottom floor and use my stones and tear gas inside the building, or go to the second floor through the outside stairs and tase someone inside the processor. This blackmarket is balanced if throwing stones and tear gas is what the concern is only maybe 10% of actual officers use throwables when in engagments

    4. Imagine_


      The deer stand isn't heavy fortification, it just gives another unique position to hold at the black-market. and if your in the black-market it's self you can easily kill whoever is in the deer stand

  22. Movies & TV (gyazo.com) , server unplayable

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Venomm


      Look man, its a well kept secret that the white IDAP hats are tier 2

    3. monster


      @Venomm  you didn't see the changelogs? they upped it to tier 3 and 1/2!

    4. Cooper:P


      I think the real prob here is them ear plugs aint in, all I'm hearin is ringing after that loud video

  23. if you buy the .338 sup for 100m ill throw a free mar 10 with it
  24. If you want to buy it for 100mil ill sell it to you
  25. Hmu with offers
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