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Everything posted by eknjack

  1. eknjack


    what you on about? the casino literally boosted the pop when the update was released, only reason its dead rn is because of the ddosing
  2. yeah i said to bump their topics which moves it to the top, not to try buy shit out of other peoples topics you fucking idiot
  3. id love proof
  4. eknjack


    not even enough to comp your kit if you lose it lmfao
  5. no i didnt you idiot
  6. eknjack


    is it even possible to profit if your doing 15 man banks? lmao Also, noble need all the monkeys they can get, we know how hard it can be for them to defend against stings.
  7. mfw you try to start buying shit off of someone elses thread
  8. eknjack


    yo it would be amazing if you could like stop making votes around the casino no ones fault you lost money except your own surely if you started with 210m and kept losing over and over you would have figured out eventually, right? lol
  9. peaches all the way man
  10. i have 1 7.62 20 round mag, offer?
  11. fuck the retarded ass vigis who camp the casino as if it wasnt bad enough i just lost everything, a vigi comes along and arrests me
  12. normal mxs go for like 250 with the gay ass tear gas launcher its definitely worth a good bit more than 15k extra
  13. im very upset. new ways to gamble and im banned 😞 not an epic gamer moment

  14. pretty sure there was ddoses before the update
  15. Go do a run you useless fuck
  16. happy birthday @CHEESE1you old fuck ❤️ love you buddy

    1. CHEESE1


      thank you young jackie ❤️

  17. ive seen T5s go for 750 lol
  18. no one will buy that, if you can sell a dp25 1c your doing well
  19. you know, you can just bump previous posts instead of making 347 posts about wanting to buy sting tasers (its spelt with an s not z)
  20. 88 can Zerg one ezpz, just get in gunner of a hawk if it spawns, kill the pilot and take it for yourself
  21. Just do a BW until you get one smh
  22. Jesus, they gang banged your poor Huron
  23. The real [OS] Ryan wouldn’t even have his name set to [OS] Ryan lmao
  24. can’t wait to lose all my money to an npc
  25. looks awesome
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