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Everything posted by eknjack

  1. another Huron for the APD hawk to fuck? Ballsy
  2. Did you have a pick axe to mine with? Also make sure you don’t have a windows lock on
  3. How many tho
  4. Can I at least get a warning point as a souvenir of my experience? @Grandma Gary thx bro appreciate it!
  5. let a man meme cmon
  6. I only set car bombs, I’m no terrorist, just a radicalised Olympian
  7. To be fair olympus could do with a fucking military to deal with the ol terrorism problem
  8. eknjack

    WTB mar10

    Buy both you have 50 mil you fucking dose
  9. I have a funny feeling that the APD wouldn’t like this faction, just a hunch.
  10. Jihadis
  11. eknjack

    WTB mar10

    Buy the taser you freak
  12. You’re high, dp25 houses go for a lot more than 2m
  13. Kiss ass you just complained about it being late and now you say you play all night? Make your mind up
  14. Sorry pet we aren’t all 12 with an early bedtime
  15. eknjack

    WTS prowler Hmg

    He said that to the other retard not me
  16. Oh yeah forgot about that
  17. You know you can just dm him on forums right?
  18. Cheese you’d lose the hawk within 5 minutes of buying it
  19. eknjack

    WTS prowler Hmg

    I haven’t played in 2 weeks and I shouldn’t have like 500 mil I don’t grind all day
  20. eknjack

    WTS prowler Hmg

    I can literally make 15 mil a day stfu lol
  21. That’s an epic sounding event
  22. A Pint for the whole lot
  23. What child was born out of the Huron and APD ghost hawk that plowed into it? Just curious
  24. eknjack

    WTS prowler Hmg

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