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Everything posted by TapTap

  1. @ Hazardous Congrats on Corp! Charlie gang on top

  2. Still for sale?
  3. Congrats @ hawk and @ Bubbaloo Burrito ! Hawk’s no longer a hall monitor but a full fledge class leader

  4. o7 homie. cya later rossco costco
  5. Now this, this is real news. Thank you
  6. If I win the 20mill I want an instant blacklist from the casino and betting. I have a problem, an addiction. I can't help it. I would sell my virtual kids to have money for the casino. You do not understand how deep this goes.
  7. Happy birthday homie, hope the casino blesses you
  8. -1 1. Your essay is not in APA 7 format 2. Cite your references
  9. I want to win a ghost hawk to do apple runs in it. That is all
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