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The Mountain

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Everything posted by The Mountain

  1. Well, unless there's a drug dealer on each island, every person doing runs will need a heli, so every time a cop drives up, they will be chasing a heli instead of the occasional few. Well, I just bought ApeX and rocket league so i'm going to have a fun night. And, @McDili the whole cop's getting destroyed by civ is just a gut feeling I had when watching video's of Tanoa, these were just some key points I made.
  2. But when cops can't respawn with 5+ on, and multiple islands to travel to, also taking into consideration that since this is brand new, it will be most likely massive amounts of gang members. Even with 10+ cops online, they would need to all be together to stand a chance against Tree, MC, K, or eL doing big gang runs. And if they're all P.O's they will need to drive a boat island to island.
  3. so I couldn't actually find an overview map picture of tanoa, but here are my best drawings in paint for how cop HQ and illegal areas could be done:
  4. The reason I think rebels will be very powerful is because of the multiple islands, there is either going to be a cop base on each island, or cops will patrol from island to island on boats, but until there is a corporal, rebels will not be able to be effectively chased between islands. Also with rebels there is somewhat "tactics", for APD or at least what I can remember, you go in guns blazing and hope you can get some lucky tazes and if you die, then you come back and repeat. Rebels can island hop and cops will be left in the dust. I think there is going to be much more condensed gang activity, with the amount of players that will be on in a much smaller area, there is a much higher chance of running into someone. Gangs will be doing big runs more instead of having multiple runs all around altis. Therefor, if cops patrol like they do in Altis and run into a big gang run, they will be utterly destroyed. Depending on map placement it could mean no other chance for the cops to get the rebels either. If only cop gear can be looted, which idk if that's possible, cops don't request medic anyways, and so civ's can get cop gear better and medics get same amount of revives but if looting is removed b/c of duping then it shouldn't be implemented unless the bodies only stuck around for 1 minute or something so you either got the gear in a minute or lost it. I just think it would be a cool way to get cop gear since most cops won't surrender even 3:1 no chance of survival and they won't give u good deals on hostages.
  5. So, I'm watching multiple videos of Tanoa and Tanoa life. One thing that struck me is houses, there are not that many scattered about, but quite a few in cities. I think there should be a different limit other than 5 for amount of houses someone can buy. I'm also thinking of the police force. There are multiple skyscrapers on Tanoa that cannot be accessed from the ground. If people are landing a helicopter on top of the skyscrapers, the cops won't be able to do anything about it unless they also have access to a heli. I think the multiple islands function seems cool. But there should be completely new rules for cops on Tanoa, I think cadets should have boats, and be able to leave cities, I also think they need better guns than a starter pistol, again, only for Tanoa. Rebels are going to be able to ambush much easier in Tanoa, and the cops should be able to better defend themselves. I think with the new weapons, and the fact that people are spending 30 dollars for the DLC, we should try to get access to all weapons on Tanoa Life. With the way Tanoa is setting up, it almost seems it should be either a white listed strict super hardcore RP server, or a more lenient wasteland ambush/military fighting area. What I mean is, if we have the same rules in Altis on Tanoa, rebels will be at a huge advantage. What I think it should be is cops are more tactically geared, and they can patrol around the mainland that's filled with legal runs and some illegal. But they should also be able to suit up, take a boat to the islands with some illegal drugs, and raid the entire island. To be a Tanoa cop it should be much more difficult to get accepted and a lot more difficult test, but everyone no matter their status on APD should be able to get in, yes that's strictly b/c I'm blacklisted APD. But back to the island raiding, cops should be able to stealthy enter the red zones on Tanoa, but the red zones should be larger, allowing for more ambushing areas by civs and more realistic guerrilla warfare. There can be another option for cops in illegal areas on the islands off the mainland, and that could just be cop bases on the islands, they take a vehicle, and go to a red zone just like in altis life, but that seems boring to me. With a map much smaller than Altis, 100km² Tanoa vs 270km² Altis, civilians are either going to be in heavy combat with other civilians and the cops will dominate the surviving civs, or the civs will team up and fight against cops in illegal areas. To survive on Tanoa people are going to need to work together, and if they can't do that the cops should be able to dominate them. Other cool options to mention, with what I previously stated about being able to use all weapons, I don't know the technical reasons why we can't pick up other players' physical inventory, but if cops get more military weapons, and civs with the Ak's, it would be neat if we could kill cops and pickup their military weapons and gear, obviously then that would be super illegal so a civilian seen in cops clothing/cop gun would be instantly provoked by police. Overall, I think that the Tanoa police should be much more a military force than a police department, but getting in the TPD should be a much more excruciating test. TPD should be required to travel in larger patrols than APD. APD can be patrolling with 1-2 cops, TPD should be 4-6 on a casual patrol. Red zones should be larger allowing for more realistic modern guerrilla warfare. And it would be cool to see picking up physical inventory. RDM would be a problem with picking physical inventory, but if bans are much more severe, then it won't be a problem for very long. Honestly, a big help to all the RDM problems is having the Tanoa server whitelisted, but that could downgrade population. With the amount of people on forums and popularity for Tanoa atm, if the server was 100 people and white list only, I doubt there would be a problem of having it full and the dedicated Olympus members who all have forum accounts and get white listed would be happier because they could more easily get into the server than if it was open to public. Please leave feedback and ideas, I think all ideas regarding Tanoa should be centralized to give admins, developers, and creators the best idea on what the people are thinking of and maybe can inspire them to create an all around better idea from the basis that we create. If you read all of this congratulations, and as I'm typing this I think I should proof read my essay to make it as painless as possible to read. Brynjar
  6. desperately need this in tanoa life https://gyazo.com/dc9e70ccfe91c29169f050e05fdd23b4

    1. Lethals Loaded
    2. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      I'll act like I'm actually retired on Tanoa, sittin in bathing trunks and driving around on my water ski, flying my plane, shootin up some drug dealers, and drinking some ice'd tea on the beach.

  7. @Poseidon I'm getting kicked constantly, 5-6 times in last hour for client not responding, idk if that's server side or client side or what, any tips?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      ok, i joined another server and went back to oly. and it seemed to stop, My arma also crashes constantly because of DXGI error device removed or something, that happens constantly as well since the new arma update, idk if u have any idea on that.

      https://gyazo.com/dd15c4a06143819cc4714437590b9849 a picture of the error

    3. Poseidon


      the device removed thing is your gpu drivers crashing, make sure your drivers are up to date.

    4. The Mountain
  8. anyone else remember when olympus had its own wasteland on altis?

  9. @Bubbaloo Burrito, you're welcome for that save from cops, my suv got stolen, i chased it down, and they out-rooked me. lost all that heroin and 2 suv's but least no cops r gettin ur bounty.

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Thank you :) Sorry for your loss :( 

  10. lol benjamin remer is 93
  11. so like Brynjar SoF
  12. you drop em from slinging in a heli, then they xplode and kill allahu akhbar
  13. @McDili, I thought u said that forum post was harmless? now it's getting locked

    1. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      I was having a fine conversation about vault jumping, didn't seem too aids except when freethelegend insulting dezree

  14. interesting, with the new buggy hex system, it would be interesting to see this play out somewhere
  15. There should be another big server wipe.
  16. idk how to prove this but uhh, i just lost like 1m and i didnt buy anything

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      lol alright, so kinda awkward but as I logged in to go to rebel i realized i had an ifrit and i forgot i bought one... my b home-square

  17. oh shit caught out xD
  18. +1, it is very easy to bootleg as well
  19. i downloaded the mod to use in editor, and it is a tiny download, it took about half a second to download and I don't have that good of internet or anything...
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXB_N8YmTFo
  21. https://gyazo.com/26ef85ccda34c7a565ccd1290e7ed4c9 https://gyazo.com/0d839ead67ebf2621832f6c51ce75a53 Pictures, right inside of Moonshine Distributor Red Zone. It's a 2 Crater so the cost to buy it unowned is 1,250,000 for me who's a 25$ legacy donor. It can hold up to 1500kg of space via virtual inventory. I'm selling it because I don't do enough moonshine or activities around moonshine to need the house. Put your bids in a reply to this page, they will not be considered if you privately message me on forums.
  22. I mean if anyone can be a vigilante, but then having a whitelisted portion of it that allows for them to then buy an MXC. I.E. I could buy a vigi license, but until I get whitelisted as a good vigi I can only buy the sting. How people get whitelisted idk. If they are bounty hunters, and rebels get bounties, wouldn't that make them rebel hunters, and if I'm being hunted I would assume the hunter is anti-me. Aren't ISIS terrorists anti-Christian and anti-jewish? They hunt them down and kill them. I think the purpose of a vigi should be anti-rebel.
  23. Yeah but that's exactly what rebels do. Why always give vigi's the disadvantage?
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