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The Mountain

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Everything posted by The Mountain

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI
  2. I was just curious whether this was due to an Arma sale or not, anyways, im off to the television, Better Call Saul is on, HAGN
  3. I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but recently, last two days, there are a ridiculous amount of people breaking rules. For me in particular it's been vigilanties, thrice (3 times) in the past 2 days I've been unlawfully vigi'd, I don't know if this is because Arma was recently on sale but if this is a server-wide spread issue then something should be done. I'm reporting the people that the rulebreaking has a direct impact of wasting my time: rdm. @Bubbaloo has been great with tickets and help but one person can't watch a server. Maybe Admin/Mods need to for the time being just oversee cities because if others are being mistreated by other players as much as I've been recently, it should be pretty common to see around Altis. THIS DOESN'T MEAN NO OTHER ADMIN/MODS ARE DOING ANYTHING, I'M CALLING OUT BUBBALOO BECAUSE I'VE HAD ALTERCATIONS WHERE HE HAS HELPED, THAT WAS NOT TO DIS ANY OTHER ADMIN/MODS.
  4. From what I was told, Trevor's was shut down because of hackers.
  5. Throw in a spike strip and it's a done deal.
  6. Ill do 1.5mil for the Mar10+mags, RCO Scope, Rangemaster suit, corp beret and P.O. vest
  7. Nope, RB6 edit** VAC from CSGO for hacking MPGH... Sigh...
  8. Looking for whatevers cheap man, I wanna get one 0-$90 so it's ganna be more shitty, prolly won't even get one since i'm not going 200+ for a damn rangefinder
  9. #firsteditwithsonyvegas
  10. Continuing my "Sucky Sunday", too much homework. Had Math/Language/History/Chemistry/Physics lab/Physics/English essay. Finished math/language/history/chemistry/english essay. Now on to the toughest of them all with my physics. :(

  11. Benjamin Remer is 92 years old.
  12. When ur sittin in ur room, high af and the room reaks, and u prayin yo mamma aint ganna walk in XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Put those binoculars away Ham

    3. Ham


      You wanna get your ass FeBrezze'd away by these binoculars Bubbaloo???? 1...2...3...4...5......

    4. Phizx


      Ham... Why the fuck are you taking my commercial ideas.

      Ham - PERM - Plagiarism - Phizx Le God

  13. 76561198084853492 my mane also hav 2 jerbs
  14. Integrated graphics > GTX 980
  15. I have a feeling @Poseidon didn't legitimately make his 48 million dollars. :0

    1. Aress


      oh he did. on wipe day he did like 300000 runs of preaches in a tempest device

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      He does many preach!

  17. when you finally get into the server but all the fuckin civ slots are taken up...

  18. Now all we need is a word from Poseidon.
  19. Believe you're talking about Ebzekro, he recently stopped playing on the server to my knowledge, he gave away all his money in-game. From what I understand his donations are legit and I did not hear anything about them being redacted etc.
  20. Yeah, my recording has a little bit of lag but the game itself doesn't. I'm playing on relatively low settings too, I have a geforce nvidia 750 TI Superclocked and it runs around medium settings 60 fps with no frame drop.
  21. I own it and love it, 90 hours or so in about a month, got 2 montages out idk if u wanna look at em: First one is ranked.
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