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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. Tried filtering my emails with the word mod and it was cluttered with random moderator things form olympus ffs

  2. I will box any of you fat munters.

  3. Who’s commentating this
  4. The females still get it. Any ebirds looking it then k_todd12 will get it out for u. thank you all for these nice messages, still have my discord or my snapchat^ for anyone who ever wants to talk. Enjoy. I’m dogging your nan.
  5. Never even heard of you and i already know you’re a clueless mong
  6. Got a few huge things coming up in life so don’t really have the time or desire to be playing anymore, thank you staff for deciding to unban me i had a really enjoyable time back on the server. Wish all of you the best in life.
  7. I love fighting feds or bws as a PO- when i have lethals. That’s the only time it’s at all contestable for me playing
  8. Scammer
  9. Any fat nosers in chat?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rafa


      My nostrils are appropriately sized sir I’ll send proof 

    3. SPBojo
    4. CaloomClark


      @ Rafa  proof please. k_todd12 or on discord ASAP.

  10. I could listen to that fat pedo eat all day
  11. Gonna have to start playing ffs
  12. Why do you sound out of breath you fatty
  13. I played reborn for 2 years, i know a thing or two about cheaters. They most definitely don’t cheat to be relevant. And i know many good people who have cheated and no longer do, i also know many who carry on cheating after unbans. Just need to keep the correct people banned
  14. Because there ARE players who won’t do it again believe it or not
  15. Hence i said unbanning the right players, on a case by case basis.
  16. I don’t have 3 brain cells to rub together. But idk if you’re on about mass unbanning or server wiping. Server wiping is retarded, mass unbanning works if staff are active and not spa’s, keeping the right players banned and only unbanning on a case by case basis etc.
  17. Would only take one normal person to rub 3 brain cells together to think of a way to make it work.
  18. @ Grandma Gary  hey pal, is it true you taigs don’t have access to spotify premium?🤡🤡🤡🤡💀💀 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


      Showing your true colours now like, those colours are green, white and orange you filthy taig.  Away with ye and beat off the pope some more.

    3. eknjack


       This you gary?

    4. CaloomClark
  19. @ Zan i’m almost sure it was nomdox and i’m certain the other was aaron who played in TL when ban evading. Lol
  20. No, that’s just how often you do exercise
  21. Not referring to any montage i just thought you had
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