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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. Would only take one normal person to rub 3 brain cells together to think of a way to make it work.
  2. @ Grandma Gary  hey pal, is it true you taigs don’t have access to spotify premium?🤡🤡🤡🤡💀💀 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


      Showing your true colours now like, those colours are green, white and orange you filthy taig.  Away with ye and beat off the pope some more.

    3. eknjack


       This you gary?

    4. CaloomClark
  3. CaloomClark


    @ Zan i’m almost sure it was nomdox and i’m certain the other was aaron who played in TL when ban evading. Lol
  4. CaloomClark


    No, that’s just how often you do exercise
  5. Not referring to any montage i just thought you had
  6. Or it could just be dealt with at the root? Shouldn’t have to report for it when it can just be changed by removing infinite staff money. Works phenomenally on other servers where staff get little to no in game money perks, staff are only staff to help out with the community- not to reply to a ticket with a pre written response for a free 150k or whatever it is i can’t remember
  7. Yeah but who the fuckkk cares about anzus ahahhaha that server is so wank frato i like you a lot but i swear you’ve cheated?
  8. That’s why i said certain players just need to be kept banned. The likes of cozza and hazza were for some reason unbanned on asylum and they will 100% cheat again- i would genuinely put my bank account on it. I’m talking about newly unbanned ex cheaters who you guys thought you could’ve trusted who’s now going 60-20 in a conquest, those type of players need spectated
  9. Mass unbans CAN work, if done right. Asylum and gta for some reason aren’t speccing players on s3’s and so they stay unbanned for longer than usual. Certain players just need kept banned when doing these In fact, from moe’s comment it’s just asylum that have fucked up with a mass unban it seems. Lol. They just didn’t do it right
  10. So blatantly obvious when someone’s using a pulldown isn’t it ffs
  11. https://gyazo.com/451fda04a965d07222bec1abd83c65fa?token=fa21596c4133336375c14cc51338fd6c RIP Conner one of the funniest moments we had together
  12. Shut up you ugly cunt. You look like a fucking toenail
  13. Seriously tho @ GracieGirl my gf really wants to meet u see if you’ll fit the description
  14. The hunter/strider glass thing is retarded ngl
  15. @ hawkg  are you good wee lad?

    seem a bit angry about something

    1. CaloomClark


      Genuine retard, how the fuck don’t you understand what wee lad is

  16. Maybe a smallpriceTagHeuer as well
  17. @ Crawford2 the wee chap might be able to rock up to school wearing a breitling someday
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