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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


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Everything posted by CaloomClark

  1. Hm for pilot cov's?
  2. CaloomClark


    07, good luck
  3. @Silton how much?
  4. @Cooper:P u still got that armed huron?
  5. @Silton you still got that Ghawk?
  6. @Crawford2 lol i clipped cause u asked me to as a mate and i uploaded cause of ur dog wifi, i didn't report i gave u the link to the vid and u did whatever u wanted with it no point tryna cone at me cause i left u lad lmfao
  7. Cheers @Coconut was just fuckin annoying cause i got kicked frim the gang that i acc really enjoyed at the time But alfo rozxy pulled me anf beetle juice into a call and was straight up toxic about it all to beetle
  8. @Crawford2 literally my irl friend, got salty that i left his part time gang to cap all cartels witch hunted me all night to try n kill me then acted like nothing was wrong at all(chatting shit all the way) if that doesn't help justify that it was him the rat then idfk what does idk y i was dragged into this or kicked but shits annoying
  9. @SeRvEr LaG i get that 100% but i told u, smokin(or soulja) is r mate he was trying to get into rip along with us lmao. I asked Eddy if he could join the gang but u said we weren't recruiting. I'm sure u all know smokin was in r gang for over 3months until i left and joined Rippers first, we're mates u wouldn't 'let people scam you' and then stay in the gang for months.Not tryna get blame off me i understand y u also thought i should've been kicked . In that pharma i did not, and have not been paid and that's the truth. I'm not happy with what beetle juice did as he just didn't care about if he got kicked or not in the gang but i kinda had to take his side as he is my irl friend, i was rly pissed off that i was kicked for something he did, i also thought that beetle settled it with fluffy after that pharma and paid hin 600k which is ehy i was rly annoyed that when i went to undeafen in ts i had a message saying uve been banned for being a rat.
  10. @Wilson_, hmmm not letting a noob like yourself experience my rock paper scissors expertise and btw @ThatNerdyGuy unban us there like a good chap as i've like all ur wootube videos they're good @Secret Agent cheers for that bro just that we both feel extremely ill treated by server in this particular occasion, not saying it's who he is or that he is like this but i personally feel that i was mistreated. Thank you though Although @Secret Agent, not to be some party pooper/stuck up person although i was told when i joined the gang to go to the higher ups with anything and when my friend beetle juice went to the higher ups he got shit on and humiliated by some of them, the only person who backed him up was johnny rico and i wont mention any names although he was being called some fucked up shit in a call and even i was dragged into it for some reason cause i'm his friend which led me to be banned i think idfk?? People can say all this shit idgaf ik exactly what happened between beetle and the other gang members and tbh i was just dragged into all this crap and ALOT of the facts were portrayed incorrectly
  11. @Crawford2 u don't have to do the poor lad like that he may not have good aim but he's still a top notch player bro, after all his dad is the one and only secret agent and rippers have members in HIGH UP PLACES remember?? Dont be dissin cause no matter what he'll hit u with the 'my da's secret bro stfu'
  12. @Doofy lmfao i think he gets it
  13. @Doofy, bro as much fun as arma is its still a fucking video game lmfao i aint sweatin my tits off cause of it . I'm not a 42 yr old dad who runs a gang thinking he's hot shit asking his son to repay him loans
  14. @Doofy, yh man ik not valued at all at rip, me n my buddy did so much shit to help them in the time we were in rip only for me to be banned as well as him for being mates with him when he was the one that pulled a sneaky one but anyways man
  15. I mean, tbh idgaf because ik everything i did and i didnt try to start ANY shit in the gang literally it was all beetle, i thought rip got the money for the pharma and wasn't letting on until beetle only told me likr 3-5 hrs after the pharma he got the 600k or whatever
  16. Tf does that have to do wi this lmfao
  17. Btw just wanna say, this is all a pisstake i loved being in rip all u guys r so fucking chill n not tryna point the finger,but it was beetle juics/james edgar that did all the shit,i was only part of shit that he brought me into E.G. him asking me to clip that vid for him as his clips don't work
  18. Smokin is literally r mate lmfao Thank you for this SPB i will be filling this out immediately
  19. I have since gone into therapy about this matter and i'm taking it very seriously, whoever mxrkedly is idfk and this cowboy geezer was literally begging server if he could join the gang whilst on medic lickin their hole clean
  20. Lol serverlag kicked me from the gang cause me n my buddy were fucking better than 9/10 of them. Literally didn't get my 1.5mil cut from a bank before leaving.......
  21. Pls pick me my parents just divorced :)
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