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Everything posted by Dragonnoid

  1. Who are you
  2. Damn @ TheHeroNoob you looking good fr
  3. Changing FOV, ifrits, quick-peaking are all things that are apart of the game. Peaking through rocks I'm not really sure which ones you're referring to exactly? I'd have to know wym. Jumping alone isn't allowed in Arma by default to the best of my knowledge. DPI jumping is def not in default Arma it's taking advantage of the jump mechanic added into Olympus. TLDR: You're comparing things that are apart of the game to a bug.
  4. I personally blame @ TapTap and @ JaydenB for the downfall of the server
  5. Yeah fuck that @ TapTap guy
  6. Congrats on designer @ SpecTGV and congrats on senior support @ Diamond !!

  7. It's fun to fight events when you have a fair fight. Most of the time it is not fair TBH
  8. 1. The game is old and cheaters kill the little population s3 has at this point. I like playing Olympus but by god is conquest just so unfun and boring. I know I’m no fragger and never claim to be but still. 2. People that are new/have never done conquest will probably never get into it due to the population that are legitimate consisting of people who have hundreds or thousands of hours in the game. Getting railed for 2 hours isn’t fun either.
  9. Congrats @ Jayden Blueberries I knew it was coming for ya

  10. Welcome back
  11. Congrats @ Brandyn you're gonna do great!

  12. They were vigis I doubt they were liked by many
  13. So am I lol
  14. https://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/25-gang-recruitments/
  15. Best of luck to you and good luck on your endeavors. o7 my friend
  16. Good work, fuck these TG retards
  17. I can respect that
  18. Hello everyone, Recently I have been thinking about the server 1 and server 2 argument. Just for reference almost all my time on Olympus, which is close to 600 hours, is almost all on server 2. With the exceptions of the time I played cop or medic, I always stayed on server 2 when I had the option. As much as I prefer it, I think we can all agree it's time for it to go. It was okay when server 2 was up for 5PM-5AM, but have it up for 5:30PM-1:30AM is almost pointless. The amount of players that stay on from the minute it opens to the minute it closes is slim. The average player hops on server 2 for a few hours just to farm, because of the low populations. No events can be done because there aren't very many cops that log onto server 2, it's a slim chance you get a revive because medics don't log with 20-30 players in a server, and you rarely get into fights anywhere but on cartels. If there was a way to allow server 2 players to use their houses and gang sheds on server 1 and close server 2 for good, it could help with the server a lot. I know this is a big issue that has been discussed a lot on other forum posts so I won't go into that. I'm just wondering what you all we're thinking about it. I'm not suggesting anything with this post FYI, just laying my thoughts out.
  19. Pretty sure it's the bullet caliber and the shield.
  20. Dragonnoid


    1 ASP with 4 mags HMU with offers server 2
  21. I’ve got MX
  22. I’ll give you 100k final offer
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