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Everything posted by stayclaxxy

  1. Post a video of it or shut up. You were warned multiple times in discord.
  2. image.png.8acc9d2306dbab19fa942d92bdb95ab3.png



    nonces are back at it again guys!

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. xsmitherz


      I had some half cooked idea a couple months ago when the mass feds happened along the lines of a tier system that SAPD can authorize for Feds so that when certain criteria’s are met the APDs arsenal can get stronger. But also held back when it’s a very low tiered threat. But I think it would be the biggest pain in the ass for the devs to make (maybe) idk how worth it would be. If people kinda like the sound of that, I’d be happy to finish the idea and see what people think

    3. Greenarrow


      So many kills, only to get lethal’d with a 1.2m bounty by tex ratting with a shotgun

    4. Elements
  3. @ Grandma Gary I fixed your title m8. No need to thank me! Just doing my job!
  4. Never though I would see arma 3 in a powerpoint slide but here we are
  5. I've implemented a temporary fix on the stats page side, it should start recording correctly after tonight.
  6. I will go ahead and say, the `Last Active` feature is currently bugged and will be fixed when the server updates. As far as the play times go, I also believe that is a bug within the server, and not 100% sure if it has been fixed yet or not. As far as your money goes, that should be an instant update. I am showing you at 21 million on the stats page as of the time I posted this @ Wong . Hope this helps.
  7. In addition to what smitherz said, if you see any heavy armored vehicles, it is NOT me.

  8. nothing like spawning an armored SUV (cheetah) in game with this blasting in the background:


    1. stayclaxxy


      (im headed straight to OG)

    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      with this song playing all rdms and vdms should be allowed as long as they have it playing on the video of there ban appeal i also enjoy mass rdming kav in ghawks with this song

  9. want to point out that i didnt lock the post.
  10. I am not reading allat, I only play rebel, never tag me again in any of your delusional posts.
  11. Thinking about putting my entire 401k on green. 

    1. JoeL


      I think about this everyday… and it would’ve been gone already if I could take it all without a hardship

    2. stayclaxxy


      Gone? I think you meant to say you’d be retired.

    3. Fuzz^


      green fn.

  12. happy birthday to the man who's girlfriend is taller than him @ ZeroBlade

    1. ZeroBlade


      YOO WHAT THE FRICK. Can i get a doxing ban on this guy?

    2. ZeroBlade


      Thanks tho claxxy!

  13. dude has this shit down to a science.
  14. wasnt me
  15. i love supporting the server, that is why i am support team member of the month.
  16. Somehow, @ Milo has seemed to break the stats page as well. Go figure!

  17. you and me both, that was the most i've ever been gaslit in my life.
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