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ALF Goove

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Everything posted by ALF Goove

  1. My new CPU and MoBo should be here..cant wait to build this bitch!

  2. Dolphins better beat this fucking NY Jets team!! Gotddamn!

  3. My new CPU and MoBo should be here in a couple hours :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SPBojo


      hmm, smart choices! yeah, waiting might be the best yeah

    3. Dustin87


      Why'd you pick that cpu?

    4. ALF Goove

      ALF Goove

      Because i wanted it. Im running on an old fx4100 quad core and im a streamer...i need that 8core lol

  4. haha that is to funny.
  5. Do not make the Illegal! There is no need. Rebel Choppers could be made illegal due to them being able to be used for a shootout. The normal hummingbirds should not be exploited with people sitting on seats that do not exist. Normal hummingbirds and Rebel ones were supposed to be dif and the coding allows people to jump on the outside seats on the normal one but please do not make them illegal.
  6. HAHAH well gotddamn
  7. The joy i get from seeing the Pats loose! Fuck Tom Brady!

    1. Dustin87



    2. wrice4


      Hell ya, Aaron Rogers and Nelson are on my team.

    3. ALF Goove

      ALF Goove

      haha. I am a Die Hard Dolphins PHAN! So i have been soo sick of Brady and the other Patsies!

  8. I really do dislike the Patriots...argg

    1. Fedot


      m8 live free or die... we rock

    2. ALF Goove

      ALF Goove

      They lost so im soo pumped!

  9. Tons...i think because the Arma Factor. A lot of other Nations too. Arma brings us together ha
  10. Well Gotddamn...Much love

  11. Only reason we personally do not mess with Illegal things is due in part to the KoS factor...i love KoS factor..but only time i will do drugs is if i have a crew with me. It makes it more of a risk, between cops **i love the cops do not change there awesomeness** and rebels due to KoS.....then again my group is a little new to the whole KoS thing...... Just from a "Newb point of view" i cant risk everything while i am getting that bankroll right. I used to make all my money doing illegal things.....that has changed a little bit now. +1 for the topic thou man.
  12. Happy Turkey Day guys....erm my US friends..Hope you have an awesome day of food and family!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ALF Goove

      ALF Goove

      I hear ya man, REspect the grind lol <3 Just have a HAPPY DAY is more the point!

    3. Dustin87


      thanks man, im starting to like you ALF guy's

    4. ALF Goove

      ALF Goove

      nothing but love man

  13. All about that RP man.
  14. From a guy who is moving his whole group to here. It is crazy to see the amount of people leaving and coming on these servers. Best of Luck and happy hunting. +1 for keeping it real man. I did not get to know you, but i am sure you were an awesome member of the community.
  15. Well Gotddamn, know one likes snow ha

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. xXItzKarlXx


      26 november and "no" snow (it melted lol)

    3. ALF Goove

      ALF Goove

      that would be pretty cool lol. Shit man im trying to relocate to New Mexico man..hot as fuck there...but it really is alright with a hat and some sun block.

    4. Billcosbywarfare



  16. Thank you man. Much love. Glad to be here. So far it has been nothing short of awesome!
  17. +1 Came for the flame...left very pleased...Nothing but love man!
  18. Hows it going everyone. Figure i would introduce myself for multiple reasons. My name is John, but most of my friends and Internet buddies call me GOOVE. I enjoy a good RP session on top of just random events the most when it comes to Altis Life. I am a 26 year old 2x Army Veteran. I have a wonderful wife of 5 years now whom has helped me become who i am today! I will never lie and I DISLIKE STUPID i treat everyone with mutual respect until you give me reason not to. I was deployed to Afghanistan twice during my time in the Army. I was an Airborne Engineer. I love to shoot, i love anything that has to do with firearms, fishing, gaming, cars, and of course PC tech. I know enough to get myself in and out of trouble with PC hardware but thats about it. All the Software and Coding is pretty much greek to me. I am a born again DIRTY DEAD HEAD...I love hippy music festivals and enjoy being a lunatic for a couple weekends out of the year. I love music and will listen to anything that catches my ear. I am a founding member of ALF **Altis Liberation Front** we recently decided to move from our old server due to well,........Me getting Perma Banned. They have one coder over there at GSNgaming and i managed to piss him off. All of my info is out in the open. I have never had an RDM or VDM report against me, I called them out on a couple bad and dirty Admins and they pretty much lost it. I am done giving them my attention and i would recommend you do not either! I really look forward to seeing you guys withing the Community and in game! I stream more than anyone you know i bet 8-12 hours daily. http://www.twitch.tv/gaming_with_goove/profile Much love guys and hope to see you around! Below are some phots for ya <3
  19. The Altis Liberation Front has a new home. Fuck GSNgaming

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