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Posts posted by J.Glenn

  1. On 10/16/2014 at 7:18 PM, Orpkoobcam said:

    Sooo, I do not have a video recorder. I do not intend to get hold of any program that records my ingame activity. Bacause it should not be needed. 


    We are playing on a server. RP server. And some people are so fucking stupid, and has a lack of knowledge about the game mechanics, combined with a nice strong trigger finger. 

    So yeah, I'm talking about the police, most I like, I and do let them know that I think it's nice how they keep Kavala safe (partly from me).


    Though today/night, I experienced a cop just shooting me... Yes. He restrains me and I ask what has happened. So I had ran someone over (someone was breaking in to a vehicle in the middle of Kavala, I tried to evade the vehicle but failed to do so, he was hit  by the vehicle), though I had not heard the police man say anything untill just before he shot me, where I came to a full hold on my quadbike (in the middle of Kavala square, where I was picking up a friend). So I try to tell him that he should not have shot me since I had just come to a full hold, keeps jabbing on about how it's all nonsence, and trying to evade the talk about his failed attempt to be a cop and possibly saying sorry to me. I then tell him, after paying the 10k ticket, that I would post a thread on here because I wanted to know hoe off I was. Well he tells me that I can do nothing about his actions since I did not have video of it... wtf... If he thought he did the right thing why would he say something like that? Well that I never got an anwer to, instead someone I assume is an admin came by and said that yes you can infact get out of a moving vehicle, while this is true, I would have died, to which he does not agree. He says he will show me, instead he just takes his vehicle and goes to a full hold LIKE I DID (like I'm not SUPER retarded despite what some may think, but I am aware of breaks), after confronting him, the police officer comes over again and says that he is tired of the discussion, though it has nothing to do with him, but a game mechanic... That was about when I bailed, went away and logged, then wrote this.


    TL;DR: read the above.


    I'm not sure this is a server I wanna play on. I've seen german servers that has gotten my interest even though my german ist doch sehr schlecht.



    tell me if I'm off if I think this story seems unfair.

    My ign is Orpkoobcam, idk if I can post the assumed admins or the cops ign names, but if I can you just need to ask for them.

    Have a nice evening, I'm signing off to see a series. 

    And thanks to all the good cops... hmmm... I might send in an application.


    Dunno, if a cop literally said "there's nothing you can do because you have no proof, you weren't recording" that's a big red flag...

    On 10/20/2014 at 3:15 AM, Bobey said:

    Sooo, I do not have a video recorder. I do not intend to get hold of any program that records my ingame activity. Bacause it should not be needed. 





    You would get your ghosthawk out and like, fast rope every cadet on into the square, all for a man with a VMS charde :s  (please do this for the next vehicular manslaughter charge you see :3)

    @Bobey Did you know a military-grade fast rope costs over $1,500-$2,000?

    I was researching grappling hooks for rappelling and I happened to come across how to create a makeshift one out of 8 strands of 11mm climbing rope.

    Sorry, just thought I'd share.

  2. 16 hours ago, Cinders said:

    Too op. I keep getting robbed by them. Bring back taxi service

    I mean...if we didn't have Rebel Outposts then how could anyone buy the gear they need to go on rampages and shit?

    Taxi services wouldn't change the fact that you'd still get killed in Red Zones, and Taxis were also pretty useless to be honest.  No one ever played as them, and they didn't make any money, which in turn repeats itself over and over again.  The only people who really want Taxis back are the people who are too lazy to drive around, and honestly, if you're feeling that lazy maybe you should hop off Olympus for awhile.

  3. 13 minutes ago, MAV said:

    who even are you? lol

    Not trying to be a dick, just honestly don't even know who you are to even dislike me..


    2 minutes ago, poof said:

    i just dont like u

    and shut up

    @MAV @poof Lets all just be friends guys.  We all want to help Olympus and in order to do that we all know there will be arguments and fights and disagreements, but we should always be respectful to one another.

  4. I mean I'm 5'11 and a quarter but wearing ANY shoes I'm 6'0 AT LEAST.  So I personally don't have any height issues as I am 5'11 and 170 lbs and am also tied down somewhat like the situation @D Ganja described he is in.  But I digress, having a height verification for a fucking dating app is the most retarded shit I've ever heard of.  If tinder wants a fucking height verification they should have a weight verification too.  And why don't they add a live chat while they're at it so I can make sure I'm not talking to a 5'5 180 lb LIVING 2/10 LAND WHALE piece of catfish garbage, huh?

    It's whaling season, boys.

    Prepare the nets and kill them all.

    On 3/30/2019 at 8:18 AM, karma said:

    please dont downvote this post :)

    @karma I hit you with that like, homie.  You looked like you needed it.

    Just know you've still got shooters out there.

    • Like 1
  5. 31 minutes ago, MAV said:



    I understand what you are saying... trust me, I've said 100x humans are inherently bias towards people they know or like... thats why you cant report staff and a Sr. Admin will look into it. (and trust me they do) Also, being in a gang at this point is a formality.. Under previous rules you could still play with gangs, just couldn't officially be apart of them.. 

    @MAV I see what you’re saying man.  I guess the report system in place keeps a fair portion of that natural bias away.  I honestly just appreciate how strict you are everything in general on this topic, because I’m used to staff in the past being bias towards gangs and shit and that’s why I wrote so much about what I thought on the subject.

    Thank you for having an honest and well-mannered discussion, it truly means a lot to be able to put an opinion out there on a forum and not be downvoted 30 times because your opinion is different than someone else’s.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, MAV said:

    So what you are saying is staff isn't allowed to have fun?... It's fairly simple... Staff will have to be unbiased or they will be removed from staff.. if you believe some biased hàs happened then report the staff member. ..

    Remember staff volunteers our time to the server and community to ensure you continue having fun... Shouldn't that mean we're allowed to have fun too?


    I completely value your opinion and acknowledge your points completely.  I just feel like the duty of a staff member/moderator is to uphold the rules above all.  If you befriend several people from a certain gang, you are much more likely to help them out in a way you otherwise would not.

    Wouldn’t you agree?

    i know you guys volunteer your time for the sever and I truly do appreciate that.  I just feel like it should have some kind of restrictions in place that could be debated when it comes to staff participating as members of gangs.  I’m not trying throw shade or nothin’ man, just trying to get my point out there, you know?

  7. I really think this isn’t a good idea, having Moderators in gangs is 100% guaranteed to promote bias among the staff.

    We are al humans here, we are all inherently bias but we can take steps not to be...however I feel like this is a big step backwards for Olympus as a whole.  OS/Moderators have no business being in gangs.


    • Like 5
    • Downvote 4
  8. the "I like boys." bit at the end made me laugh so hard i spit my coffee onto my computer screen and now everyone in the library is staring at me...

    please help

  9. Gang Wars was a fat disappointment

    Incognito, drugs, and casinos (they should add casinos)

    you know how it is hombre, making that dirty money on those moonshine runs

    These two random things seem to coincide rather conveniently

  10. So I replied to an earlier forum post requesting help for building a PC that can run ArmA 3 for under $1000, I got it to $1009 with a used Graphics Card, and I thought I would post it here so that everyone can benefit.  Feel free to take a look gentlemen:


    So it comes out to a total of $1109 on the site, BUT that is also buying a brand new GTX 1060, you could sub it out for a GTX 1050 TI but I have no experience with those and have no idea how they will perform.  I fully recommend the GTX 1060 because its graphical capacities are more than capable of running ArmA 3 on Ultra settings at 60 FPS, providing you have a good processor (which this build does) I use a GTX 1060 and an Intel i7 8700k and get 50-80 FPS on Ultra settings in Kavala with tons of chaos going on.

    If you buy a used GTX 1060 on ebay for $170 (or less), that will bring your total to $1009.  Close enough???

    The build includes:


    CPU Cooler




    Video Card (GPU)


    Power Supply


    The build DOES NOT include:

    Monitor (anywhere from $50 for a terrible one to $150 for an ok one to $400 for a good one)

    Operating System (Windows 10 keys are $30-$35 if you buy 3rd party)

    Software (stock pc with only Windows on it)

    Also make sure you have an ethernet cord that you order so you can plug your PC into your router.


    This is, of course, NOT PERFECT and I do not make PCs for a living.  I'm just trying to help people out there who are looking for a good build to start off of because they don't know how to build a PC (it's really easy and assembly takes like 30-50 minutes).  People can take this build and tweak it for their own personal needs.

    • Like 1
  11. We honestly need MORE gang wars and I also agree that they need to be more spread out to cater to the EU players' time zones.

    I think Gang Wars are a fun part of Altis Life and they bring people together for serious competition and overall dominance, weird flexes go on but it's dope af.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Mighty said:

    But hawk him appointing himself chief deputy means he never wants po.

    As Chief Deputy Glenn of the APD I'm going to have to order you to stand down and leave the area sir, before I charge you with disturbing the peace.


    50 minutes ago, BananaHammock said:

    This man has big dick energy, speaking of the present in past tense.

    Math illiteracy affects 8 out of every 5 individuals.


    1 hour ago, zakal said:

    Silver ain’t gonna do sheet

    Silver is my brother in arms.  I have his back, war buddy style.

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