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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. RIP lost R&R tag the day the day I was going to get paramedic.

  2. Congratulations! The old rank names were also great, thanks for bringing them back.
  3. potato farmers forever
  4. I'm just laying their pretending to be AFK then some guy walks up to me and starts shaking around then proceeding to ask side chat how to knock people out. I had to hold the urge to not pull out a gun and shoot him.
  5. Yep, do not go to Kavala. Tree literally landed their Orca in the middle of Kavala took me and 3 other people as sacrafices and nobody gave a damn. +1 to isaac for flying 10km to revive.
  6. So I currently own 2 houses ( one I gave the keys to for my friend) and noticed that the doors are almost always opened. I know its because Kavala is crowded but possible for player to have a choice to lock all doors without having to go back to check it every time? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PabloIsSenpai


      Windows key -> Lock storage. Ok thanks.

    3. Talindor


      If anything, it's most likely the snakes and rabbits on altis, the open any and all doors including locked ones. Very common. 

    4. Buffalo Bill

      Buffalo Bill

      A snakes tail can lockpick the shit out of doors.

  7. Well like they always say, money grows on tree amirite
  8. I see that Olympus got a +10 slot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  9. Isn't max money about 67 mil or was that another server.
  10. What is the most amount of money you guys had on this server? totally not making a chart to see who's the richest on the server :^)
  11. Where do I get a kart? Or did it use to be a donate perk

  12. Would've loved to see how TPF were back then. Looked like it was a lot of fun. If only I didn't waste my days farming cannibis.

    1. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      TPF has been on this server for more than a year now. gone through good and bad times. but the love for Potatoes has never diminished 

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
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