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Everything posted by fearr

  1. Lol 88 hasnt played in a year and a half almost half of us are perm'd and your still crying about us
  2. Quit the game bro its not worth the time you will cheat again after you get unbanned because of how dog shit you are and we will be right back you begging for another chance it happens with every cheater
  3. Jingle Bell Rock hands down
  4. yea its pretty crazy how they are just oblivious to whats going on and the fact Fraali worked to rid the server of cheaters yet they just unban them all months later last time I checked a perm was a perm not a 6 month break and yes im a huge juice fan have been since he started whats ur favorite song
  5. hog will get dq'd for cheating lol and if they don't its just a joke of an event lol
  6. fearr


    Conquest is just cheater v cheater running around smoke its boring only reason people play now is for something to do lol just need to face the fact this game is finally coming to and end
  7. Dabest was a beautiful soul and was a joy to be around he will be forever missed by all
  9. yea ill be on today at 11:30pm EST I added you on discord names Garrett#3091 and can you do 7m on the house
  10. First one prob 10m and second one prob 6.5m lowest
  11. https://gyazo.com/ab843bcd4f437c63822c17c02fe50040 https://gyazo.com/01a0c258d5d3675e268772e50aa7be0e taking offers
  12. we didnt end war over johns off road lol he legit owns an entire garage of armed vehicles he could care lees about an off road we ended war because it wasnt worth us having lol you were only ever in pygros and never anywhere else we could care less if u are white name we will still shit on you anytime we come in contact you are a garbage waste of space gang that not a single soul on this server is affraid of lol go back to hiding in the slums of pygros and we will thrive in the town you once called home lol thanks for all the sofia real estate we really enjoyed it
  13. Bruh please go back to school or at the most English class please lol I had a stroke reading this
  14. FreeMyMan he innocent
  15. I understand the civ on civ side but when we want to use such things to have fun and make Feds BW's fun and more interesting and then get punished and camped for trying to play the game because little timmy with his 150k loadout died to many times because he can't play the game its aids cops lose next to nothing when they die besides KD I just feel like it shouldn't be allowed I still don't think body camping by cops should be allowed its just such a weird thing to do not to mention Winters himself wants more Roleplay on the cop side and sitting next to a dead body for 15mins is not roleplay at all a local cop isn't going to go to a morgue and watch the rotting bodies of people he killed to make sure they don't jump out of the wall
  16. I want opinions not you monkeys talking shit to each other go to the DM's I want feedback and thoughts on the matter not you apes crying to each other please leave the post
  17. As I said no hate just want to know I am not crying have been wanting to make this for awhile hasnt affected me but I have seen many others complain about it
  18. Alright so I am not trying to shame or come out as rude to any APD member I just want to address and get some opinions and thoughts regarding the topic of APD camping civs bodies after a Fed BW Jail etc or just around the island may it be out of anger towards the said civ to make them made or just to do it whatever your reason shall be its not the point of the topic I personally think its kinda a scum thing to do and think it should be FailRP to do such thing because cops loadouts do not get lost when they die from a lower rank point of view I don't know what its like for the higher ranking members of the APD but the only way I have lost a loadout on cop is it being taken by civs like I said I dont know how it is for higher ranks but when a PO camps a civ trying to use decent gear at a BW and forces them to respawn with a 4m loadout because he died 10 times and maybe lost 20k for refilling mags and stones and such I just feel like it isn't a reasonable way to make people lose there gear anyway enough of my weird rant I just want some feedback and opinions on this like I said not hate or anything just want to hear everyone else on the matter Thank you -Mui AKA poggers
  19. Well the reason people are wanting the even amount was because gangs are not nearly as big as they were 4 years ago and the APD were complaining that nobody did feds or BW's due to the sheer amount of cops attending a fed done by 7-8 rebels and then when they agree to balance with the amount of people doing it everyone started doing them and things were fine again but now we are back to the whole we have 8 people vs a 18 cop stack and its just not fun
  20. if you can do 4.75 you have a deal
  21. would like atleast 5m for it
  22. Still for sale
  23. I will sell you it for 5.5m just message on discord im Garrett in 88
  24. If you can get on server 2 we can do it
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