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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by nem0

  1. nem0

    wts gear.

    800k per, no ammo
  2. nem0

    wts gear.

    1X MAR10 taser 2x 6.5 sup (3 total)
  3. nem0

    wts gear.

    2x pilot covs 1x mk1 taser 2x rpgs 1x 6.5 sup 3x BW mags (pm me or put some offers below) s1.
  4. nem0

    zafir WTS

    jus lemme know when your on
  5. nem0

    zafir WTS

    ingame name?
  6. nem0

    zafir WTS

    ill do 3.2
  7. nem0

    zafir WTS

    selling a zafir comment offers
  8. o7 dam
  9. word pm me (shamelesscar4)
  10. type taser -500k mk1 taser- 950k rpg - 750k 2 pc - 200k each
  11. uhhhh u good bro?
  12. nem0

    wts envg goggles

  13. nem0

    kav 4crater

    don't buy it's fucking haunted by sapd who lost their kits there.
  14. make an offer selling envg goggles (s1) discord: Nem0#7714
  15. I have 2 rpgs 900k a piece s1
  16. funny funny funny
  17. @ninja.soap im on now
  18. 1m
  19. x1 mk1 taser x1 ASP x1 RPG w/ 1 rocket 2x Explosive Charge 1x Slam mine 1x Sui vest 1x Large IED 2x Stealth 5.8 suppressors all on server one
  20. Mr. -s- Lukie has already proved he is the better fragger over Hawkg, from the streets of Kavala all the way to the alleys of Sofia.
  21. offer on a zafir?
  22. nem0

    WTS Zafir

    selling zafir 3.4m Nem0#7714 (discord) pm me
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