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Everything posted by JJ1

  1. ban taser use in warzone by vigis

  2. the gang being called record and report makes this golden
  3. how much
  4. title, pm me or reply to this thread
  5. I'll buy one
  6. Anyone have a pet bird or lizard? Looking into them and just wondering from a normal owners perspective how they are.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Lizards are cool, but everyone I know who's had one said they require a lot more work and resources than other more normal pets. Also, in the case of lizards you'll need to regularly buy, store, and handle dead and live bugs.

      Do with that what you will.

    3. Lime
    4. XnavrasX


      This is a long conversation to have. TLDR both are expensive. Birds are loud regardless of species. Lizards, can smell depending on species. Really up to the person. I've owned birds my whole life and wouldnt trade them for anything.

  7. Bump
  8. Bump
  9. JJ1

    Selling Gear

    How much for envg
  10. still selling dms?
  11. lethal, just updated post
  12. pm me
  13. how much for dms and sup
  14. 4.5 mil
  15. Lets goo
  16. @ AmericanWaffle Even responded to my APD dispatch when I saw some suspicious activity during my glass run Kudos to you my friend
  17. I'm looking for people to play among us with, add me on Discord or steam,



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