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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. You were the first corporal to trust me with flying their hummingbird (I was a deputy) all the time and you've shaped my piloting quite a bit since then. I remember a year or so ago when I wouldn't play cop unless you were on and it was a good time. You're a great guy, fun to be around and I hope whatever you're doing in real life works out to the best it possibly can. o7 good friend. You've done a lot for the community, and touched many of those in it.
  2. So the guys with more money can tank more? Fuck that. Remove it completely. 2 shots to the chest with the strongest weapon in the server is more than reasonable. If you aren't removing CSAT might as well throw a lynx in rebel shops, at least that way we have some kind of powerful weapon to counter clothes that tank 5 bullets.
  3. I rather have a blank ghosthawk and a sign in the middle of nowhere as a hospital instead of this retarded creation Muthinator has made. Props for making the server unplayable though, I'll give you that much.

  4. Well we aren't going to let you take a free fed, so that's probably why we stopped yours. We don't do our own feds very often because of texture bugs.. When you are in VX grinding for OS
  5. Can't tell if you're being serious.. If you even wasted a minute on rendering a video and then another minute on uploading for a naked storing a hatchback you are beyond pathetic.
  6. Name: PhizX Reason: MC are my idols
  7. * Mfw gets banned for storing a hatchback ecksdee VX
  8. The current chief actually disagreed with my demotion , so sniff my balls I mean I don't mind the skins, just make them more simple? We don't need a digi camo ghosthawk for fuck sakes lol. Half my gang avoids feds because of the constant texture bugs.
  9. +1 "It's an Arma thing" -OS Yet I've never gotten a texture bug on any other server, ever. +1. This, I can't agree with. If you keep communications under control and you work together, Feds/Bw/and jails are extremely easy to do. It's not necessarily manpower you need, mostly teamwork. Blackwater is by far the easiest to do in my opinion, and most of the ones I've participated (either with or against) have been quite successful. If you think about it, Corporals and below have to drive in an open field for 400-600 meters and if you can't shoot them out before they reach you.... Well... I heard MC was recruiting. Fat +1, couldn't agree with this more. Another +1, very important point here. Remove Csat and make the cheapest 7.62 be 150k(Rahim 150k, Mk-1 175k and Mk-18 160k). Great fucking post man. I was gonna make something of this sort and post it on the forums but you literally took the words out of my mouth. Great ideas brought up and you gave possible solutions for some of them as well. +1 dude
  10. You guys might wanna remove the rebel shop too, you know, remove any sense of diversity we have just to improve our uniqueness. Ya know, just like big towers . Sounds like laziness is taking over, play Asylum and look at all these cancer tags that have no correlation to the alphabet or their gang name, then come and tell me it's hard to distinguish The New Kings and a star that everyone will eventually become accustomed to.
  11. I rather the rating of one taps deteriorate than having people tank my shots 80% of the time and only hit a one tap if I'm lucky enough for them to have 75 hp. 7.62 is the strongest caliber in our server , and they cost almost twice the price of the Katiba , so for it to take 1/4 of a 20 round mag to kill someone is ridiculous . We almost never see guns like the katiba in cartels even though they aren't that small of a caliber . One taps were sick when people tanked , and even when they didn't , so that doesn't matter . A one tap is a one tap . Edit : Forgot to add that I've even taken as little as 1-2 damage from a mk-1 numerous times . I've called it out plenty of times to where people would vouch for the fact . Not that it's too important , but rooks consistently do 1-3 damage a shot to the chest which is an entire rook mag + to the chest for a kill
  12. Your name in game must be easily distinguishable from other names on the server. These names must be easily pronounced, use your common sense. Any names that do not fall within this rule will result in administrative punishment.This is the single most retarded rule we've updated as OS. +1 lol
  13. I feel like your only trying to keep GA's because Tree is usually on the receiving end of the gunfire I've heard "I just tanked" and "they just tanked" so much to the point where I started playing Asylum, and enjoy it further than Olympus at this point. Removing CSAT is the best thing you can do rn to improve overall fighting
  14. Apparently weight and cringe runs in the family
  15. The lower FoV, the bigger your scope is but the less you can see in a 360 view when you are in third person. I've recently tried changing to the lowest FoV possible (as seen in my montage) and it's a lot easier to hit long range shots as well as quick peeking. I personally don't need that much of a far view so it's perfect for me.
  16. You're garbage and will always remain garbage Pat and Zoom could probably shit on you any day of the week. I've already put you in the dirt before, don't make this another version because I don't wanna bring the shovel out on randoms.
  17. The fact that 3 screenshots pertaining to one situation(to prove a point none of us care about) still remain in your signature is way beyond pathetic...
  18. An upgrade, but not one worth the mention. Incase you're still confused, you still lost that fight. xD Lost that one too. 2 kills actually, and they were lined up, try again.
  19. We got [VX] William 'Daniel' Wallace the legendary water boy coming in hot. I'll let you know when I need oranges on the battlefield child
  20. Have you even been in highschool yet buckie
  21. Did you buy that desk in Kavala
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