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Midnight last won the day on June 18 2017

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About Midnight

  • Birthday 09/07/1993

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  1. hidden that quick?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sgt. Salty

      Sgt. Salty

      It wasn't meant to be a player report in fact it wasn't a post slandering his name, spitting obscenities,  or calling him out. While i'll agree that the name of the post was uncalled for, the body of the post was my story, it was an experience I had with a moderator, that I personally feel should be shared with the community. I was looking for their opinions, and views on the subject. Do I think submitting a player report will do anything? No, I feel a slap on the wrist is all that will happen.

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      I'm not mad at you salty, and I can assure you that it will be taken seriously by the APD. However, in a public forum, posting about a bad situation with a player is not the way to handle it. Unfortunately due to the nature of the Internet, it will turn into a flame war. We tend to avoid those at all cost. 

    4. Sgt. Salty

      Sgt. Salty

      its true that It would have turned into a flame war, my main point of the post was to get the communities opinion on the situation. I feel olympus has a very strong community and one thing I personally enjoy about the community is that the admins listen to us, and take our opinions into count. I was so pissed off that I wrote 2 fucking block paragraphs about it. I understand why it was hidden, and i'm glad that its being taken care of. 

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