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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. You beat me to it! Ifunny mong!
  2. What Tai said.
  3. Omg LOL!
  4. Yes Jeff, you are in the reserves.
  5. are ya applying?
  6. Hate doing business taxes, this time around my boss owes $1480.00 in state taxes, I will make him think he owes 5k :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Produs


      1 hour ago, Talindor said:

      Your State taxes are a lot cheaper then ours, your just paying additional crap added to your state use tax.

      Your state tax is 6.250%

      Ours is 6.50%

      Extra crap your paying for;

      County Home rule  1.750%

      RTA  1.000%

      Home rule 1.250%

      Ours is just Local  3.1%

      Your getting ripped off LOL @Nuski

      I live in CT and we know a person that has a nice view from their backyard.


      They have to pay 5k a year extra for a "view tax" that the state of CT put on them. 

    3. Talindor
    4. Mercury


      so this is a basic comp or ban scenario?

  7. Awwww where's the fun in that?
  8. Also to simulate back up. They would still need to re-engage after each wave unless it is a jail or fed.
  9. Talindor


    Not a place for this, he can submit a ban appeal.
  10. Don't know about that, me and the rest of the staff don't have a problem killing cops at the random spawns, we win some, we lose some. Other gangs help us out at times too, Mc, ti, VX, and so on.
  11. Oh wow lol !!!!!
  12. I remember that day like it was yesterday, there was a war in Kavala, @Fat Clemenza logged in with the many officers that joined us all gathered in formation at the Kavala HQ with Tai leading the army. Upon the order of Martial Law, Tai led the APD force on ground still in formation, walking up the road leading up to the church, it was an epic site. We gathered the the 'rouge' followers and stood gaurd all around them awaiting new orders from Tai. We stood in-line much like the Riot-Police when they are issued out. Tis was a sight to see.
  13. OMG lol
  14. I read your other post and I seen nothing wrong with it, I was addressing this post, warning the use of derogatory words etc. and how they are not be be said under any format Olympus related. I did not state your post had them I was simply putting a warning out there. In other words, post as much as you want, as long as like you said, no one is attacking anyone, harassing etc. Forums that violate the rules are locked to prevent further offenses.
  15. If you guys want to hash it out using those derogatory words verbally in game, side chat or otherwise, do it somewhere else. But while you are in the HOUSE of Olympus, as a guest or otherwise, you must abide by the House rules, whether in-game or the forums. If it is up to the Housekeepers to mop it up they will. As you mention those that didn't agree and posted enough content to get it locked it happens.
  16. ^^
  17. Yea I will in 30 minutes is tht ok?
  18. dunno, fair price whomever is serious, figured a cartel fighting gang would be interested.
  19. I have a Two story 3 crater on server 1 next to Moonshine, PM me if interested to buy it. 700 meters from Moonshine. https://gyazo.com/37dcd963f54c2407122729767ce58093
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