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I hope you can fix it boss!
^ these were dark times my friend
No matter how hard I try it absolutely will not let me un quote you
Yeah feds do seem to be won when done in that quick succession before noon but keep in mind it's usually the same gang/2 gangs. I'd say a good percentage of time it's lost when done by any other groups/gangs. So it really all depends.
hey sell me anything so long as it's good price just list it.... it could be random ass kits sitting in your unfurnished kav house if it's good price I'll buy, in bulk 2. Ty (_)_)=D
I'd bet if he was a naked you would have given him the chance to stop and get out. he was fully geared so you didn't want to and who would want to give him the opportunity to shoot I get it... But it's the rules and the risk you take engaging another full gear to a 1v1.
he's on pro now - what vehicle? - a box - truck boxer? - nah tempest box - YOU MEAN HEMMT BOX?! - yeah the big one like that
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