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Rich homie

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Status Replies posted by Rich homie

  1. I htink cLoak got killed irl? He went to shop which is 5 min away and never returned? RIP cLoak 2k15-2k15

  2. Wowww i love how i can go 5mph and bust all my wheels on any bush now. Or hit a pole with my bumper going 80 and blow up and kill instantly!

    1. Rich homie

      Rich homie

      Hit those little white reflector things on the side of the road and that will send your hatchback sport flying, I think if I hadn't blown up mid-air someone would've Titaned me

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. i upgrade from a gtx 780 to a gtx 980 still getting 20fps...fml...looks like i will be working overtime to save up for a new motherboard and cpu..GG ARMA

  4. The best episode to date is up

  5. I've had an awesome time in my first two days as medic. Just under 700 minutes. Thanks for the warm welcome R&R team <3

  6. 8862513 = my ticket

    1. Rich homie

      Rich homie

      Esco's logic: if I rdm enough people maybe the people I rdm will forget about thier video they have In thier computer somewhere thanks for reminding me

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Today 100+ explosive charges will go off in Kavala....Will the server survive?

    1. Rich homie

      Rich homie

      There was like 3 buildings that weren't destroyed

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. Makin no plans on the day/night of the big update going to be picking peaches all day

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