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About ImSpicy

  • Birthday August 11

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  1. bro just sounds like hes on ketamine there LMAO.
  2. You dont have to put how many mags you have for a taser. Its takes the same mags as a normal gun and will tase still
  3. I’m sorry but feds is impossible to have fun at if your not a lethal. Idc how many buffs you give cops it will never be fun for POs or Deputies.
  4. 15mil for both the ats?
  5. Your not smart at all. Your saying they should be able to use as much force to stop it since you get paid a lot for winning. First I'm gonna say usually the best cut you gonna get from a fed with getting both trucks out it around 2mil, Next your saying there should be 20 cops vs 7 civs, That would mean at least each person would have to get 2 kills if not more per wave and that's including hunters and striders that you have to deal with slamming dome every wave. I know what you gonna say, "JuSt BrInG mOrE pEopLe' Yeah lets do that so we each get 800k each for a laggy event because there is a 20v20 going on in a server that cant handle that 80% of the time. Actual braindead PO
  6. You know all about this cause you play conquest right?
  7. I dont want to play swat and push bc every life. Just for the 100k per cap thats so dog shit
  8. Keep playing with SWAT and all the other 88 rejects
  9. Malding
  10. Malding
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