Slade got rich from doing art gallerys all day. Sounds like something a cheater would do instead of fighting caps or doing pharma's. Shit anti cheat dude was going like 13-27 and gets his with a FAC while driving.
I mean just win the blackwater that simple. you got a t5 vest ,7.62 sup ,5 pcovs ,promet sg, bw type mags, and a 25-30mil heli like why are you complaining XD
How you feelin buddy. I cant believe regal has done such a cruel and mean thing to you. I hope you all make up for this cruel cruel act. Maybe he gives you a back rub or something
Medics get nothing new ever I think it would be cool if people who are to broke to afford to request medics can still have the option to pick them up. The medic would get like 5000 dollars from the government or something like that
Its so close to the pd you can hear them proccessing if you want to keep them from not being able to proccess by shooting 1 bullet this is the house give me prices